Page 3 of The Savage

“I loathe him,” Cara murmurs.

Harsh words, from my gentlest cousin. I can’t resist teasing her.

“I dunno. He’s pretty hot for an old man.”

This is true. Age hasn’t reduced Hugo’s height or dulled the devilish cast of his sharp features.

“Sabrina!” Cara turns on me, disgusted. “That’s Hedeon’s father!”

“So? He’s notmyfather.”

“He fucked a student!”

“I wish he would.”

Cara shakes her head, refusing to smile.

Switching tactics, I nod toward Hedeon Gray, pitching my voice low and insinuating. “If you’re so worried about poor illegitimate Hedeon, how come you’re not sitting with him?”

Hedeon is already surrounded by Anna, Leo, and our cousin Caleb. The only place to sit would be directly on his lap.

Cara catches my drift. Her cheeks glow pink as a china lamp.

“Don’t call him ‘illegitimate.’ ”

“Sorry.” I dip my head in apology. “I meant ‘bastard.’ ”

Now she’s genuinely angry, knuckles whitening on the spine of her notebook.

Ever the wordsmith, Cara fashions her retort like a dart and hurls it straight at my heart.

“Don’t take it out on me just because Ilsa dumped you.”

Sometimes you want to get punched in the face.

Sometimes you’ll goad anybody to do it.

I laugh at my own success.

“You’re a feisty little bitch today, aren’t you? You must really like Hedeon …”

“Oh, fuck off.” Cara walks away.

She’s had enough of me. Just like Ilsa.

Everybody thinks they want Sabrina. The dose is the poison.

Cara drops down next to Anna, her cheeks still stained with pink. Anna shoots me a sharp look from under the encircling comfort of Leo’s arm.

I wink at her.

Heavily tattooed, ice-blonde, and moody, Anna is just my type. Leo’s lucky Iamyounger. If I were their same age, I wouldn’t have lost out on Anna like a little bitch.

Don’t worry, we’re only cousins by marriage. This isn’tGame of Thrones.

Then again, who knows what might tempt me? The more I’m not supposed to have something, the more I want it.

My mood slightly elevated by depressing Cara’s, I gaze out across the dark blue water. At last, I spot the wheeling gulls and white sails that herald Dubrovnik. In another ten minutes, the distinctive rust-colored roofs of Old Town rise into view.