Page 142 of The Savage

“It’s good FOR YOU! You don’t care what I want! You don’t care what I feel! You think you’re smarter than me, stronger than me? You’re fucking NOT! If we went head-to-head you’d learn a thing or two about what I can do.”

Adrik tosses his head contemptuously.

“You wouldn’t last one day out there without me.”

“Fucking try me!”

“You’ll be crawling back here.”

I think I loathe him in this moment. I look at his handsome face and all I see is a liar and manipulator who played on my emotions, who found my weaknesses and exploited every one.

“I wouldn’t come back to you if you crawled over broken glass to beg me. I’m promising you that Adrik … and unlike you, I never break my word.”

“Calm down,” he says. “You’re being ridiculous.”

I am a human torch of burning rage. Every word Adrik speaks is pure gasoline poured on the flames.

“I’m not gonna FUCKING calm down! It’s fucking OVER between us! Do you understand me? OVER! We’re not lovers, we’re not even friends!”

“Think about what you’re saying—”

“I’m saying exactly what I feel—not like you, you fucking liar! I ALWAYS tell the truth. And I’m telling you we’re done.”

Adrik makes a scoffing sound. He really doesn’t think I’m serious.

He stands there, arms crossed over his broad chest, while I march into the house. He’s still standing there a minute later when I stomp back out with my backpack slung over my shoulder.

It’s not until I jump on my bike that he looks mildly concerned.

“Now don’t go roaring off in a tizzy—”

He thinks I’m blowing off steam. He expects me to, at most, drive around an hour and then come back again.

Well, he’s gonna be waiting a long fucking time.

“Sabrina—” Adrik calls, while I rev the engine. “Wait—”

I’m already peeling out of the carport, spraying Jasper with gravel as I pass.

Adrik tries to chase after me, but Jasper’s still straddling his bike. By the time I hear the Ducati’s engine sparking to life, I’m flying away down the road.

* * *



“Get the fuck off the bike!” I shout at Jasper, like this is his fault.

Jasper scrambles to pass it to me.

Too late, much too late—by the time I reach the end of the driveway, Sabrina is gone.

I try to call her twice before I remember that she pitched her cellphone into traffic.

“FUCK!” I bellow, fighting the urge to chuck my own phone across the road.

How the fuck did that get so out of hand?