Page 92 of Villainous Mind

“You’ll see.”

The usually bustling rooftop lounge was empty. Rhys took my hand and led me outside. Fairy lights hung from the walls and along the plexiglass edge, and a string quartet played in the background.

“Rhys, it’s beautiful,” I said.

“Ar Lan y Môr,” Rhys said. “It’s a Welsh love song. My song for you.”

“Thank you.”

He got down on one knee, and I thought my heart would stop. “Navy,” he said, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket and opening the lid. “Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Tears filled my eyes. “Yes,” I said as he slid the ring on my finger. I looked down at it and smiled. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“It’s a black-speckled diamond. The real ones are very rare, just like you, fy merch. Just like you.”

He put his arms around me as we looked out over the city. Now I knew exactly what to call him.

My husband.



The Circle was complete. With the initiation of the new man, Alister Pirie, our power was now balanced.

Or so we hoped.

We were gathered in the Great Hall of the castle on Dorcha Island. Navy and Evie sat on a couch near the large stone fireplace, talking.

“You think he’s the right man,” I said to Keir, looking at the heavily tattooed Scotsman.

“I think he’s what we need. He’ll take some reining in.”

“What does he do?” I asked. We were all billionaires, after all, and he had to do something to earn his money.

Keir glanced at Alister, then looked away, clearing his throat. “He’s the leader of an organization that deals mainly in pharmaceuticals.”

“Bloody hell, Keir. I thought we were all gentlemen. Not a group of thugs.”

“He’ll learn to be a gentleman, but for now, he’s what we need. The Dearg Due is coming. You heard her.”

“What do you think she meant when she said she killed Sir Leonard for revenge?”

“I don’t know. Leonard had a set of books he was supposed to give me. Ancient ones. I asked Navy’s friend Sam about them, but he and his mother never came across any when they were cleaning through Leonard’s belongings,” Keir said. “They might contain information. If we can find them.”

I looked over at Alister as he sat in a corner by himself, holding his head. “Poor bloke.”

“I was going to ask you a favor,” Keir said.

“I didn’t realize you were in the habit of asking. I thought you were a person who gave orders,” I teased. “Like a dictator.”

He ignored my attempt at a joke. “Harry told me how you helped him at Môr Haven with his beast.”

I nodded.

“I don’t have the patience for it.”

I didn’t like where this was headed.