I hung up. “Did you get an address?”
“He rents a place on the outskirts of town,” Sam said, pulling the address up on the phone. “He doesn’t own any properties. Turn left at the light.”
I followed his directions. We pulled into a long row of council houses. “It’s the one on the end.”
We got out and headed toward the door. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” Sam said.
“Navy is missing and could be in danger. This mother fucker threatened her. Enough said.” I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. Still no answer. I was getting ready to kick the door in when a small elderly woman cracked the door. “Hello,” came a soft voice.
“Excuse me, ma’am. I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for DC Havard.” I didn’t even know the man’s first name.
“Dylan. He’s at work.” She inched the door open a little more. “Are you friends of his?”
“Work associates from London,” I said. “Do you mind if we come in?”
“Oh, how rude of me. Of course.” She opened the door all the way. I motioned to Sam to look around while I followed her into a small sitting room. The house was decorated in all pink, and knickknacks cluttered every nook and cranny. “Are you police officers?” she asked, shuffling to a pink recliner. “Did you work with him in Newham?”
“Something like that.” I gave her a smile, sitting down on a pink-flowered sofa.
“He’s such a dear. He transferred here so he could help take care of me after my husband passed away,” she said. “His father.”
“Can you tell us where Dylan was last night?”
“Oh, he was here. On Thursdays, we have lamb cawl and watch Strictly Come Dancing. Dylan records it for us. We never miss it.”
Sam came out and shook his head.
“Tea,” she said, standing up. “Would you like tea?”
“Actually, we should get going,” I said, standing up myself. “Thank you for your help.”
“Should I tell Dylan you stopped by?” she said.
“No, we will try him at work.” I opened the door, letting ourselves out. “Bye”
“Bye, dears,” she said, waving.
“I don’t think he’s our man,” I said to Sam, getting in the car.
“I don’t think so either.”
We headed back to the caravan. Harry was waiting for us. “Keir will be here soon.”
I nodded. “Sam, why don’t you return to the hotel and see if she’s checked in there. Put out feelers to all your contacts and check in at the Times. I’ll let you know if we hear anything.”
“This isn’t like her. She wouldn’t just disappear.”
I walked him to his car. “We’ll find her,” I said.
I headed back into the trailer. Harry looked anxious. “Keir is convinced it is the Dearg Due. I told him about the bull, the flash of light, and the feeling of utter despair.”
I nodded. If it was the red bloodsucker, I didn’t think she would come if all three of us were there.
I needed to be the one to find the Dearg Due, so I waited until twilight.
“I’m going to move Navy’s car to the drive. I’ll be back,” I said.
Harry was astute. “Are you sure you want to do that?” he questioned, tilting his head slightly.