Page 78 of Villainous Mind

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s getting run for DNA. And when the results are in, I’m sure we will find Rhys’ on it.”

I needed to get out of there and felt my world begin to crumble. I should be on a plane to America, not here.

“Do you mind taking me to my car?” I asked.

“No, but I’m going to feed you first,” he said, standing. “I’ve given Havard explicit orders to leave you alone. He won’t be bothering you.”

He went into the kitchen and pulled out the makings for sandwiches. Slicing and buttering the bread, he added ham and cheese and handed me one.

I took a small bite, and it lodged in my throat. I began to choke, and Morgan pounded on my back until the bite came back up. “I’m sorry,” I said, coughing.

He handed me a glass of water and rubbed my shoulder, his hand moving to my neck where it lingered.

My stomach clenched.

“Better?” he asked.

I nodded and gave him a tight smile. “I’m going back to the States,” I blurted out. “Tonight. I have a flight out of London.”

“You’re leaving?” He seemed surprised.

“Yes. I miss my family.”

“You never struck me as a quitter,” he said. “As someone who runs away.”

“I’m not.”

“Is this because of Rhys Hughes?” He continued to caress my neck. “He was never a good fit for you.”


“Running away is a coping mechanism,” he said. “People use it to escape sadness, anxiety, and depression.” He sat down next to me.

“I’m not sad nor depressed. My job is done here, and it’s time to go home. That’s all.”

“When I found Bryn’s letter. I knew her father would understand. The girl had done it before,” he said. “Left home. She was sad.”

My blood turned to ice. “Havard found the letter, not you,” I corrected him. “It’s in the evidence report.”

He shrugged and waved his hand, dismissing the remark. “The point is you shouldn’t leave. Not while there is still a case to report on.”

“You knew Havard before in Newham,” I said. “Why did you bring him here?”

“He put in for the transfer.”

“And you approved it. Why?”

He tucked a piece of my hair that had come loose from my ponytail behind my ear and smiled. “When I first met you, I could see the sadness in your eyes and how hard you tried to portray it as something else. Reserved, uncaring, aloof.” He ran his finger under my eye. “You wear this makeup and your dark clothes as if you’re telling the whole world to fuck off and leave you alone. But it’s not that. Deep inside, you’re just a sad, scared little girl who needs someone to love you.”

“Why did you approve his transfer?” I asked again, coolly.

“You ask too many questions.” In an instant, his pocket knife was in his hand, and the blade flicked open as he held it to my neck. “Do you need someone to love you, Navy?”

“You’re wrong about me,” I said. “I’m not sad. I’m just a cold-hearted bitch.”
