Page 73 of Villainous Mind

“What’s up, Navy?”

“Do you have any sources in the police force? I need to find out the name of the presiding officer in a case.”

“Yes. What’s this about?”

“Havard and Davies worked together in Newham three years ago.”

“Okay. It’s not uncommon for cops to hire people they know. What’s the case?”

“It would have involved a missing teenage girl.”

Sam was silent on the other end.


“How did you find this out?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I was doing research and stumbled across it.”

“Navy, this could be huge? I’ll get back to you.”

He hung up.

I picked up all my notes and returned them to my bag. It was going on half nine. I could be in St. Ishmaels by the morning if I drove all night.

Sam called back thirty minutes later. “The DI on the case was a Robert Bundt.”

My heart sank. “Oh. No mention of Davies or Havard?”

“Havard was mentioned in the final report,” he said. “He was a PC at the time, but apparently he was the one who found the evidence which closed the case.”

“What was the evidence?”

“A letter.”



Ifinished straightening up the caravan and sat down. Harrison was huddled in the corner, working on his computer. “It’s like a bloody tomb in here,” he said, shivering. “You could turn the heat on.”

Keir ordered him to stay until the charges were dropped on my case.

“I don’t feel the cold,” I countered. “It’s a little thing called dragon’s blood.”

“Bloody barbaric if you ask me.”

“No one asked you, and as soon as you accept your fate, the better it will be for all of us.”

“I didn’t ask for this,” Harry snapped.

“None of us did, you fool.”

“Yes, but all of you like the power,” he said. “I was completely fine without it. I loved my life before.”

“Then you shouldn’t have accepted the invitation.”

“Trust me, I wish I never did,” he whined.