Page 68 of Villainous Mind

“You’re not a quitter,” she said. “You wouldn’t abandon those girls.”

“Is this about the girls? Do you know where they are?” I pleaded.

“No.” She shook her head. “But I think if anyone can find them, it’s you. If you’d open your eyes.”

She looked at her watch. “I need to get going.” She motioned to the waiter for our bill.

“That’s all? I thought you were going to tell me something important.”

“Haven’t I?” she said, paying the check.

“No. You’ve made assumptions, but you don’t even know me.”

“I’ve been observing you.”

A shiver ran up my spine. Caught up in the turmoil of the past twenty-four hours, I forgot the danger I was in. Rhys said I needed to be careful. I assumed, after yesterday’s events, that the danger was him. But what if there was another person out there who still wanted to hurt me. Unrelated to the kidnappings in Milford Haven. The mysterious associate of Rhys.

“You’re smart, Navy. Stop seeing what you only want to see. Not everyone is who you think they are. I’ll leave you with this,” she said, standing up. “In shadows cast, treachery breeds. By serpent’s tongue, betrayal feeds. A bond of trust, now frayed and torn, whose end shall come with twilight’s mourn.” She turned and left.

I sat there speechless and felt as if I had just kissed the mouth of the enemy.



Harrison Rafferty sat to my left in the interview room. He pushed his horn-rimmed glasses up on his nose and ran a hand through his sandy brown hair. “Did you find the evidence in question on Mr. Hughes’ property?” he asked.

“It was brought in by an eyewitness,” Davies said. “We have her statement.”

“So, it was handled by someone else, and you are going off of their word that it was found on Mr. Hughes’ property. That would make it circumstantial evidence.”

“There is other evidence which points to Rhys Hughes’ involvement.”

“And that would be?”

The detective didn’t answer, stalling.

“That’s what I thought,” Harrison said after a while. “I will remind you, DCS Davies, you are only allowed to hold my client for twenty-four hours unless you charge him with a crime. And we are coming up on said time within the hour.”

“Actually, I can hold him for an additional twelve if I so choose,” Davies seethed. “Tell me where the girls are?”

“I’ve told you before, Superintendent, I do not know where the girls are. You have the wrong man,” I said.

“Why the fuck did you have a large amount of gold bars in an old mine on your property?”

I didn’t answer.

“What do gold bars have to do with missing girls?” Harrison asked. “You have no evidence to keep my client.”

The detective’s nostrils flared. “I will release him, but he is not to leave Pembrokeshire.”

“Very well.”

The handcuffs were removed, I signed several papers, and my personal items were returned.

“Thank you,” I said to Harrison as we got in his car.

“Let’s get something straight. I’m not your friend. I’m acting as your solicitor because I have no choice. Apparently, it’s my duty now for being a member of your fucking Circle of Kings.”