Page 60 of Villainous Mind

“I told you there was something wrong with him. It’s the secret group he belongs to,” Sam shouted.

I turned to Rhys. “I need a moment alone with Sam.”

His lips pressed tightly together, and I thought he would object. “Fine, I’ll be right inside if you need me.” He went into the caravan and shut the door slightly harder than necessary.

“Are you protecting Granger? Tell me the truth. Did you switch our names?” I asked calmly.

He wrung his hands together before wiping them on his pants. “No. Richard did it.”

“Then why protect him?”

His shoulders slumped.

“Was he blackmailing you?” I asked.

“Yes. He found out I was in a relationship.”

My eyes narrowed. “Everyone knew we were in a relationship, Sam. Who cares.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the ground. “He found out I was seeing someone else.”

My mouth fell open, and I blinked several times, letting the information sink in. “Who?”

“William Beck.”

I turned away, rubbing my forehead. Maybe it made more sense than I thought. “You and William. Why string me along?”

“I wasn’t ready to tell my family, and they were pressuring me to have a girlfriend, especially my mother.”

“Fucking hell Sam.”

“I’m sorry.

“I guess we both used each other.”

“I’m sorry about the article you wrote,” he said. “I’ll make it right.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “So, what now?” I asked.

“I’m headed back to London. I’ll tell the new editor the truth and my parents too.”

“What made you change your mind? You came here willing to defend Granger?”

“It was learning he was blackmailing Willaim too. There aren’t too many blond-haired men in Crime and Security. I wouldn’t have known about it if your boyfriend hadn’t said something.”

“Are you going to be all right?”

“Yes,” he said. “I’m sorry for coming here. I was desperate. I know Granger will try to bring us all down. Navy, be careful. Something is going on here, and I’m still convinced it has something to do with the secret society.”

“I will.” I went back in the caravan, slamming the door. Rhys sat on the couch.

“I’m sure you heard everything,” I snapped.

He nodded.

“I’m trying so hard to trust you,” I fumed. “But you crossed a line.”

“I was angry at what the man had done to you. I know men like Richard Granger, and they use their power to exploit and terrorize people. I couldn’t let him get away with doing it to you.”