Page 54 of Villainous Mind

“Thank you,” I said. It wasn’t necessarily new information, but it was the first time I heard it in her context. It was a link. A thin one, but still a link.

“Are you sad, Ms. Bardot?” she inquired.

“No, on the contrary, I’m very happy. Again, thank you for your time.”

“Because you look unhappy-”

I shut the door before she could finish.

Fucking shrinks.

What the hell did she know anyway.



“You saw her?” Keir said, sitting up straighter in his chair after listening to my account of the Dearg Due.

“Yes, she was sitting in the restaurant.”

“And you’re sure it was her?”

“Positive. A beautiful older woman. Her energy was enough to rouse Vortigern, even being so far away from his lair while his power was diminished. My vision shifted to the dragon’s, and as my pupils changed, I was able to see her for the monster she truly is,” I confirmed. We were holed up in his office at his London home.

“So then she’s real.” Keir rubbed the stubble on his chin. “And she acknowledged you.”

“Yes, she nodded to me after picking up my bill. She made sure I saw her.”

“Why you?” he asked. “She’s made no effort to show herself to the rest of us.”

“I’ve asked myself the same thing. My guess is she wants to pick us off one by one.”

“Then why not start with Harrison or Aiden? As our newest members, they would be easier to take out,” he surmised.

“Maybe she’s building her own army.”

He nodded. “A more likely answer, but why? She strong enough on her own.”

“What of the new man?”

“He’s in, and we will want him if this does escalate,” he said. “He’s a questionable sort but strong. I hate to think of the monster that claims him.”

“Does he know what he’s in for?”

“No, but neither did the rest of us.”

“Why not take her out now? You and I could do it.” I was tired of waiting, especially now that she had made herself known to me. It suddenly felt personal.

“No,” he stood up. “We don’t know what she has up her sleeve. What about the lass?”

“I didn’t get the feeling the red bloodsucker was after her.”

“You can’t be so sure,” he said, concerned.

“No,” I agreed. “She’s with my assistant now. Dafydd was SAS. He’s loyal.”

“It won’t matter to the Dearg Due.”