Page 40 of Villainous Mind

“Don’t you find that creepy? Not to mention stalkerish?”

“No, I told you as long as you are my guest, I would protect you.”

“From DCS Davies,” I chuckled. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“There are other things which lurk in the night,” he said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” But my mind went to the mutilated bull and the two missing girls. Someone or somethingwasout there. And it cast a dark veil over the usually tranquil Welsh county.

“I saw him get handsy with you.” He leaned against the counter, folding his arms across his broad chest.”

“Handsy? He kissed me. It was nothing,” I protested.

“It wasn’t nothing for him.”

“Look, Morgan is a friend, that’s all, and he’s actually helping me.” I stood up. “I’m going to lie down. Care to join me.” My clothes were damp from the rain, and goosebumps erupted on my skin, whether from the chill or the eerie feeling that invaded my soul. There were things to worry about, things that sat on the outskirts of my mind. He vowed to break me, and he was doing just that. He already owned my body. With a touch, he could make me lose control. It was a chink in my armor, yet I craved it. Even now, I was willing to risk another crack.

His hands fisted at his sides, and his jaw clenched. “You go,” he said, restrained. “I’m going to check outside and lock up.”

I looked over my shoulder as he ran a hand through his hair. He would make me shatter if I wasn’t careful.



Icouldn’t touch her. As much as I wanted her, which I did. I knew I couldn’t put her at risk. At least while I was at Môr Haven.

It was too close to Vortigern’s lair. He was too powerful here. Too close to his trinkets and gold. They fueled his strength, and the stronger he got, the higher my temperature rose. He wanted Navy, and as long as we were on his ground, I wouldn’t take the chance of losing control.

I walked the perimeter of the courtyard, listening to the sounds of the night. Most of the animals and birds were tucked away due to the rain. But the nocturnal creatures, the owls, foxes, badgers, and bats, watched from the shadows. The storm wouldn’t deter them, and I felt their eyes following me as I circumvented my premises. Sensing no apparent danger, I took a deep breath, savoring the cool rain on my heated skin before returning to the caravan. Navy had managed to embed herself into my life, and I would protect her at no cost. When I saw the detective kiss her, I wanted to rip him limb from limb, and I questioned just how much of my soul had merged with the red dragon’s. I was not a violent man by nature. These feelings should be unwarranted. I always considered us separate. He shared my body, but he didn’t control it. Things were changing, though. I opened the door and went inside, turning up the heat. Navy was asleep in the back, curled up on her side.




I covered her with an extra blanket, knowing I could offer her no warmth from my body tonight, and returned to the sitting room. The small space was already too hot, and the windows steamed from the wetness and heat radiating from me. It was a small price to pay if it kept her comfortable. I stripped out of my wet clothes and toweled off. Pouring myself the last of my whiskey, I sat down on the couch naked, stretching out my long legs. I was in new territory and needed to plan my next move carefully. I finished my drink and set the glass on the floor, closing my eyes. Sleep would come in bits and spurts, but we were safe for now, and that was all that mattered.

I awoke with a start and the feeling I was being watched. The air inside the trailer was deathly still. It reminded me of the same feeling I had when Vortigern entered my body, as if the electromagnetic field around me changed and two dimensions merged into one. The rain had stopped, and dawn began to emerge as the darkness surrendered to the light. I shook off the feeling and got up, adding water to the electric kettle and turning it on. Navy came from the back bedroom wrapped in a blanket. I picked up the discarded towel and tied it around my waist.

“Morning darling,” I said, spooning coffee into a French press.

“Do you think my car is fixed?” she asked cooly.

“Dan said Thursday at the earliest. I can take you anywhere you need.” The kettle whistled, and I poured the water into the press and set it aside to brew.

She bit at the skin around her thumbnail. “It’s okay.”

I pulled her thumb away from her mouth and held her chin between my thumb and forefinger. She was hurt from last night. “Where do you need to go?”

She pushed my hand away and stepped back, her blue eyes searching the ground. “I was hoping to speak to the counselor at Milford Haven before school starts.”

“I’ll take you.”

“I’m not used to having to depend on people.”

“I know you’re not,” I said, pushing the plunger down on the press and pouring the coffee into two mugs. “Milk or sugar?”