Page 18 of Villainous Mind

Aidan laughed.

“It’s not funny,” Keir snapped. “If it was the Dearg Due, she’d know about the girl. You’ll have to watch her.”

“She won’t be a problem. She’s back here in London.”

“It doesn’t matter where she is. If she is a weakness to you, then the red bloodsucker will use her to get to you,” Keir said.

“Trust me, she is not a weakness.”

“I hope so for her sake. I have a candidate for Leonard’s place,” Keir continued. “He’ll take some convincing, but if we are headed to war, then he’s exactly the type of man we want on our side. If I can get him to say yes, then we will meet in two weeks for the initiation ceremony on Dorcha.”

“And in the meantime?” Harrison asked nervously. As the newest member, he hadn’t quite mastered complete control of the demon king who now shared his body. Everything would seem strange and upsetting.

“Continue to lay low and report anything suspicious to me.” Keir stood, motioning for the rest of us to rise. “A regibus intus potential jacet.”

“A regibus intus potential jacet,” we repeated.

“Hughes,” Keir said as the other men left. “A minute of your time.”


“The lass?” he asked.

“I told you she’s not a problem.”

“Good because I know I will be doing everything in my power to keep Evie and our unborn child safe. The red bloodsucker will attack the vulnerable first.”

“So, you do admit there is reason to be concerned.”

“Yes, there is definitely reason to be concerned. This was a warning. She’s letting us know she is around and watching.”

“The girl means nothing to me. She should be fine.”

“Aye, but if she was seen with you, the Dearg Due won’t care what she means to you. The fact she was with you is enough. Why was the lass asking about a secret society? Did she mention the Circle?”

“We were overheard by her boyfriend talking at the funeral. It was careless of us, but she didn’t mention the Circle by name, so I think it will be all right.”

“And the boyfriend?”

“I’m going to pay him a visit while I’m in town. Flush out what exactly he knows.”

“These missing lassies, do you think the red bloodsucker could be involved?”

“I won’t lie. When I saw the bull, the thought crossed my mind. However, the first girl went missing three months ago. Well before the Patels or Sir Leonard died.”

“Aye, but she could have been biding her time. Watching all of us, and if she is not in human form, she would need to eat in order to survive.”

“Possibly,” I said, considering the idea.

“Sir Leonard was worried. He knew we were being watched. He just didn’t know by what.”

“I’ll see what I can find out.”

“Aye, don’t do anything foolish by yourself.”

“I don’t plan to.”

“Good because when we do strike, we will need the strength of Y Ddraig Goch more than ever. A regibus intus potential jacet.”