Page 89 of Villainous Soul

“I should have been there,” he said. “He never should have touched you.”

I rolled on my back as he entered me. “He’s gone. Don’t think of him.”

“You’re mine, lass. All mine. Forever.”

Slowly, he made love to me.

Tender and controlled, I could feel the restraint behind each thrust. He was reclaiming his dominion. Taking back what he thought he had lost.

There would be no turning back from here.

To have him like this – vulnerable and unguarded – meant accepting every part of him.

All of him.

The good and the bad.

The scary and the unknown.

The monster.

And I would have him no other way.

“I love you, Evie,” he whispered. “I love you so much it hurts.”

I knew what it meant for him to say that. The courage it took. The trust.

“I love you too, Keir. I always will,” I promised. “All of you.”

He wrapped his arms around me, and his hand came to rest on my stomach.

There were three of us now.



Igathered the men in the chapel. There was a change in the air. Something was amiss, as if the balance of the world had somehow shifted. I could feel it, and so could the other men.

Something evil lurked in the air.

Something threatening.

Sir Leonard hadn’t come. He was nowhere to be found.

The new lad, Harrison Rafferty, sat on an old wooden pew with his head in his hands, having been initiated the night before.

There was strength in numbers, and I had a feeling we would need it with whatever we were facing.

“Leonard was receiving threats,” I said to Rhys and Aidan. “I now have a tendency to believe him.”

“From who?” Rhys asked.

“I have no idea. But there are people who know about us. Donovan Sullivan knew about us.”

“What are you suggesting?” Aidan interjected.

“I’m suggesting we lay low for a while. I’ll find Leonard. He seemed to think whoever threatened him and killed the Patels wasn’t entirely human.”