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"You're Black Watch? I didn't think it existed any longer." She had gone to an exhibition on regimental art at the Fine Art Society in Edinburgh and remembered reading they had been amalgamated into the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

Alex gave the men a sidelong glance. "It does. There are an elite few of us. It's just not known." He put his hand on her thigh. "And now, it's your coat of arms."

"I'll have it on me for life." Her voice shook as the initial shock of her father's cruel words settled. "Whether I want it or not."

"No, Charlotte. That's not what I meant. You're one of us now."

"What do you mean, one of you?" She looked at the group of men.

"You're with us. We'll take care of you and protect you."

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "As your prisoner."

"Not as our prisoner," Alex said.

"So, I'm free to go back to Edinburgh? To the consulate?" she asked, her brow wrinkling.

"Yes, if that's what you want. On one condition." Alex's hand rubbed his chin.

She shook her head. "What?"

"You marry Sinclair."

She laughed, the sound bitter and sardonic even to her own ears. She had been kidnapped and escaped, only to be kidnapped and tortured, all because she was escaping an unwanted marriage. And now these men who had taken her for a second time wanted to force her into a marriage with the man who kidnapped her in the first place. "Hell no." She looked over at Sinclair who had turned a deep red and whose jaw was no longer tight but clenched.

"There is no, Charlotte," Alex said.

"You can't force me to marry someone."

The colonel tilted his head and inhaled deeply, his eyes regarding her with a clear pragmatism. "Aye, we can, if it's for your safety and ours."

"You're worried I'll say something about all of this. I won't," she begged. "I promise I won't."

"This is bigger than you. Bigger than even The Watch. You'll marry Sinclair."

"How does marrying him insure I won't talk?"

"You want to help Imogen, your friend?" he asked sharply.

Her thoughts turned to the girl. God, let her be alive. In her own selfishness, she had forgotten about her roommate for a moment. "Jesus Christ, of course."

"You marry Sinclair and we'll work together to save her."

"For God's sake, she doesn't want to marry. Don't hold her friend's safety over her head," Sinclair spat. From the looks of him, he didn't want to marry either. "That's a new low even for you."

"Stop," the colonel spat.

"Or what?" Sinclair challenged him.

Alex stood up. "It's not intimidation or a suggestion," he said softly between his teeth. "It's an order."

"I won't follow it." Sinclair glared at the man. "I won't agree."

Alex's hand curled into a fist. "You'll remember who you're talking to, son."

"I'm not your son," Sin hissed. "Don't you dare call me that."

"Forbes, will you leave us please?" Alex said. The doctor looked between the men then left, mumbling to himself. Alex waited for him to climb the stairs before he spoke. "I hope I don't need to remind you of our agreement."