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"Aye, just don't let Bobby know. You know what a curmudgeon he can be."

"Oh, aye," she agreed.

"I'm standing right here, you two," the gentleman said but gave a soft laugh, nonetheless.

"There's a lassie standing in the hall," the woman said. Charlotte took a step back.

"There is?" Sin pretended to act surprised. "Should I tell her to come in?"


"Charlotte," Sin called. "Come here, lass."

She took a step inside the room, staying by the door.

"Mother, this is my friend Charlotte." Thank God he didn't say wife.

"Hello," Charlotte said. She felt like an intruder. The woman looked her up and down the same way Bobby had earlier.

"Come closer, child, so I can see you."

She stepped in closer and the woman's eye grew round in her hollow face. "Did you find her up north," she asked Sin.

He laughed. "No, I found her here in Edinburgh."

"She's very pretty."

"Aye, she is very pretty," Sin agreed.

One of the machines began to beep and Bobby pressed several buttons, silencing it. "Are you getting tired, Margie?" Bobby asked, concerned.

"I suppose I am," she said.

Sin kissed her on her cheek. "We should get going."

"When will I see you next?"

"In four or five days, hopefully. Alex is keeping me busy."

"Be careful, Sinclair." She held his face in her hands.

"I will, Mum. I love you."

She had already closed her eyes. Sin put his hand on Charlotte's back as Bobby followed them out.

"What did the doctor say?" he asked Bobby when they were back in the foyer.

"More of the same," he said. "We'll finish this round of treatment and wait and see."

Sin nodded. "I'll be out of town for the next few days."

"I'll call if anything changes,"

"Aye. Thanks, Bobby." Sin shut the door behind himself.

"It's breast cancer," he explained as they drove away from the house. "It's her third round of treatment. The doctors aren't very optimistic if it doesn't work this time."

"I'm sorry," she said.