“But you have to stop playing house with him and his daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I love Cassie like my niece but you… you love her as if she were yours.” Damian just goes for the jugular and ends me. “She’s not.”

The sharp edge of his words stabs me right in my chest. I open my mouth to defend myself but it’s useless. Even though his words shred my insides, he’s right. I’ve known it all along. I just can’t stop believing in miracles or loving them the way I do.

If I want to survive this day with my heart in one piece, I have to change the subject fast. Nothing says tag you’re it better thanwhat’s wrong with you, Bishop?

“Are you cheating on Chloe?” I redirect the conversation toward Bishop.

“Why would you ask that?” Damian glares at Bishop, waiting for an answer.

“We found him butt naked in the Royal room,” I say, grinning with satisfaction.

“Alone,” he defends himself.

“You live a couple of miles from here,” I argue. “So what? Did you drink too much, have a party, and after screwing someone else, you came here?”

Yes, I know I’m being evil, but with my brothers I have to be ahead of the game.

“Why did you come here?” I cross my arms.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “She kicked me out of the house.”

“What did you do?” I ask, drumming my fingers against my opposite arm.

“Why do you always assume it was me? You don’t even like her,” he protests.

“That’s not true.”

“Please, Lee. You hate Chloe,” Bishop insists.

“Hate is such a strong word. I just don’t understand her. But that’s not the point. What happened between you two?”

“She insists on leaving Kentbury.”

“I’ll give her a ride to the bus station,” Damian, who really hates Chloe, offers.

“We. She wantsusto leave,” Bishop corrects.

Damian and I look at each other.What the fuck?

“Like on vacation, or she wants to move out of town?” I try to clarify this because she’s not taking him away from his life.

Bishop loves tending to the farm. His life is the orchard, the cider mill, and the wholesale market. She can’t just drag him away from here.

“Moving out of town.” He tilts his chin toward the window. “But don’t worry, I won’t. My life is here.”

I’m pretty confused. “Why would she propose to leave?”

“Well, she said that this isn’t L.A.”

“Did shejustfucking realize that?” Damian, who thinks she’s dumber than a sack of rocks, huffs.

“For fuck’s sake, she’s from Swanton, Vermont. Not Santa Barbara, California,” I say, frustrated and sad that I’m right.

She’s a gold digger who was just trying to catch the “rich guy.” We’re not rich. Actually, we have to work hard all year long to keep up with our expenses.

“It’s over,” he says with a shrug. “She wants me to choose her over my family and my life.”

“Sorry about that.” I step closer to him and squeeze his arm.