Oh, fuck. Why didn’t I see this yesterday? Whatever he used to play with her mind and get her out of here must be eating her up inside. Damian isn’t a bad person, he’s just too focused on his goals to pay attention to others.

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. “Enjoy your little victory dance while it lasts.”

“What do you mean?”

“Lee’s right, you can be so obtuse.”



On my wayto Lee’s house, I stop by Carson’s to give him instructions for the next week. There’s no way I can convince Lee to stay today. First, I have to figure out what happened on Saturday. Then, I have to convince her to stay with me. Third, I need to do all this away from the family.

When I arrive home, Bishop and Lee are in the living room.

“Sorry for getting back so late,” I apologize, shedding off my coat.

It’s cold outside. The national weather service reported a freeze warning. Sometimes they’re wrong, but if the humidity lingering in the cold air is any indication, we’re going to have a bigger storm than they’re predicting.

That translates into revenue for everyone in town. The reservations at the ski resort are going to triple by Wednesday. The same will happen with the Bed & Breakfast. My biggest worry is Lee, since she wants to drive to Manhattan tomorrow morning.

“It took you a long time.” Bishop gives me a disapproving look. “Were you two fooling around with the guests?”

I sigh, seriously does he have to bring that up in front of his sister?

“Of course not, I was caught up in a meeting.”

Lee frowns and stares at me for a long time. It’s on the tip of her tongue to ask what kind of meeting, but she just says, “It’s okay, Cassie’s already in bed.”

“Thank you, what was going on with her earlier today?”

Lee shrugs.

She doesn’t respond and turns her attention to Bishop. “Are you ready to go?”

Hops nods, glaring at me.

What the fuck did I do to him?

“What time do you plan to leave tomorrow, Lee?” I ask as she puts on her snow boots.

“Around five in the morning,” she answers, looking around for her hat. “If Cassie needs anything, call Dad or my brothers.”

I nod and go to my room for the hat she forgot last week.

“Here.” I put it on her and caress her delicate cheek with the back of my hand. “I’m sure the other hat will turn up later this week.”

“Cassie might not have school tomorrow,” Lee continues, stepping away from me. “Check with Dad or Hops if you need help.”

“Please, don’t worry about it. I have it covered. Thank you for today.”

“Any time.”

“Drive her carefully, Bishop,” I request as they climb in his truck.

I go to Cassie’s room to check on her. She’s not in bed, but inside her tent with a book and her flashlight.

“Shouldn’t you be in bed, young lady?” I try to feign anger, but I love when she hides in her secret place to read.