I stare at the text, analyzing each word. What does having a life have to do with me cooking her dinner?

Did I piss her off?

I work hard to stay away from her bad side. That’s a place where only her brothers belong. Not me. Instead of texting back, I call her, but I get her voicemail—three times.

Looking at the clock, I decide to start working and let her be for now. She’s busy and I have a sweet 1963 Corvette waiting to be brought to life. Hopefully, the replacement parts I need will arrive today because there’s a big storm coming next week. The delivery services won’t drive to Kentbury until the roads are clear.

After I put on my work clothes, I try calling Lee one more time with no luck.

“What is happening with you, Knightly Rose Harris,” I say out loud, staring at the phone.

I give up and send her one last text.

Landon:I’m sorry if I upset you. Let me make it up to you.



The Harris Ski Resort’slobby is like a comfortable, homey living room of a cabin. It has a central gas fireplace ensconced in a tubular glass case, wall dividers made up of iron banisters laid together like earthen wrought iron gates and adorned with iron maple leaves. To the left, there’s a floor-to-ceiling window where we can admire the slopes. It’s fancier than it was a year ago, yet the architect who renovated the place made sure to keep the quaint, cozy feel of the establishment.

“What’s going on, Miller?” Damian greets me.

“Where’s Lee?”

“You can’t find her at the B&B, her house, or with Dad?” he asks confused.

“Would you mind tracking down your sister, please?” I show him my phone. “I’ve been trying all day, and she’s been ignoring my messages and sending me to voicemail.”

“Lee?” He furrows his brow. “If you’re looking for Cassie, she’s already at Dad’s. They left after having an early dinner. André prepared some snacks for them to take home.”

Cassie has André, the lodge’s chef, wrapped around her little finger just like everyone else. We hired him a year ago to make the restaurant one of the best in the area, not to cater to my child.

“No, I’m looking for Lee,” I speak slowly, trying to bring back his attention since he’s already staring at the front desk.

“What, Lee?” he asks without even looking at me.

Great, I lost the fucker.

“Yes, she’s five foot three, hazelnut color hair, dark eyes, and looks somehow like you—but pretty. She goes by the name of Knightly. We call her Lee, and she usually wants to killyoubecause you upset her.”

He focuses his attention back on me. “Miller, I love my sister, but I don’t keep track of her. Since you’re free, why don’t we go to the restaurant?” He invites me like he used to do when we were twenty-five. It was back when he started working at the lodge, and I had come back from Boston to take over the shop.

“I saw a group of guests that might do it for tonight.”

“You’re not twenty anymore, Damian,” I say quietly since there are guests around.

He chuckles. “Should I settle down, Miller?”

“No, but at least don’t be fucking around with your guests. It was fun ten years ago. But you’re thirty-five.”

“Should I start behaving like you?” He stares at my hands. “I don’t see you settling down. If you’re warning me because you think I might knock up a girl,I use condoms.”

“I did too, and fucker, they don’t always work,” I say. “Think about the reputation of the resort. Why would I want to stay at the place where the owner might or might not fuck my wife or girlfriend?”

He takes a step back as if I just punched him in the face. Somewhere along the way, Damien lost perception of what matters. He lives in his own reality where he keeps the business afloat and tries to make it the best. Sometimes it feels like he lost his humanity.

“I get it, keeping the family business going is important. Finding an outlet helps you baLandon your life. But becarefulwith what you’re doing. Did Lee know that you were planning to sell her B&B?”