“I love you, Lee,” he murmurs, almost spent, and rolls me around, keeping me in a tight embrace. “I’m all yours. I gave you my heart, now my body, and you own my soul.”

As he cradles me in his arms, we look into each other’s eyes and smile. He kisses my shoulder and rolls over to the other side of the bed, reaching toward the nightstand.

“Knightly Rose. Lee,” he says, rising from the bed and bending down on one knee.

He stares at me, holding a red box that contains a gorgeous diamond solitaire ring.

“Landon,” I gasp.

“I love that you eat ice cream even when it’s minus twenty degrees outside. I love that you always look after everyone. I love that you welcomed my daughter and loved her as if she were yours. I’ve loved you in many different ways since we were kids. My love for you has evolved as we’ve grown older. I came to New York to convince you that you’re the love of my life. I’m not perfect, but you make me perfect.”

He clears his throat. “Lee, will you marry me?”

“Yes.” I look into his clear blue eyes before I throw myself into his arms. “Of course I will.”



It’s Christmas day.Like every year, we’re at Grandpa Harris’s house, having brunch and opening presents. I look outside the big window, staring at the snow-dusted forest, ice crystals shimmering on the surface of the lake. It’s a perfect white Christmas. Cassie is right by the tree, unwrapping boxes and squealing with happiness. Lee’s right beside her, snapping pictures of our daughter. Until her gaze meets mine.

As usual, she doesn’t need to speak for me to know what she needs. I walk to her, extend my hand and help her stand. I wrap my arms around her, enjoying the feel of her body against mine, kissing the top of her head.

“She’s happy,” Lee whispers.

“Are you happy?” I ask.

“Mom, can we make cookies?” Cassie questions, showing her the cookie cutters Santa brought her.

Lee’s chin quivers. Her eyes fill with moisture. “Yes,” she answers with a quiet voice.

“It’s okay if I call you Mom, right?”

Lee moves from my grasp and opens her arms for Cassie. “Of course, it is, sweetheart. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Mom,” Cassie says before jetting off to the kitchen.

I smile at Lee and kiss her nose.

I never thought I could possibly love her more, but I was wrong. Every day I fall more and more in love with her. I adore this woman with all my heart. The woman who loves me for who I am. Our lives are perfect for us.

We’re getting married next year. The McCalls accepted my offer. We’ll take possession of the vineyard in early January. Lee and I plan on building a house right by the lake, big enough to fit our family. For now, Cassie and I are moving into Lee’s house.

“Yes, I’m happy,” Lee finally answers, wrapping her arms around my neck. “You and Cassie make my life magical, perfect.”

Do you want more Kentbury?

Everything is falling apart.

I just got fired—by my father.

My boyfriend decided I wasn’t good enough—during my Grandma’s funeral.

That hot guy I met at the bar—I didn’t get one kiss from him.

All I have left is to start a new life.

But before I embark into the unknown, I head to Kentbury.