I straighten my back, set my hands on the table, and speak with my best business voice. “The changes we’ve done so far are working. If we add the spa, it’ll bring guests all year round. We can sell it as a couple’s weekend, a girls’ weekend, you name it. And the vineyard next door is the cherry on top.”
“You’re adorable,” he says, both dark brows furrowed right in the middle. “We’re not talking business, Knightly Rose.”
“Harsh, full name throwing doesn’t look good on you, handsome.” I try to smooth things over. “Think of this as an investment. I’m sure you’re getting some kind of revenue while you own the place.”
“Tomorrow I have a conference call with Holden about the vineyard. I’m going to see my financial advisor and my lawyer too,” he continues. “I’m not saying yes to anything, but know that you’ll be at the table when we start making decisions about the future of the vineyard, and everything will be taken into account.”
“I don’t understand why Damian would do that, sell part of our heritage.” I try not to sound annoyed or resentful. It’s impossible.
“It was in serious trouble.” He sounds hurt. “He was at the point where if he didn’t do something drastic, he would lose the lodge. In the larger scheme of things, that’s the part of the Harris Estate that used to bring the most revenue. You lose it, and the other two aren’t that far behind.”
“Damian was looking at the big picture,” he says. “If something has to go, it’d be the B&B.”
My blood freezes when he tells me that Damian wanted to sell it, but a rush of relief and comfort warm me up as I realize what Landon did.
“You saved my B&B,” I state, staring into his blue eyes. “Is that why the deed is now under my name?”
He nods. “No one can touch it. It’s your life.”
Ever since Cassie came into his life, he’s been working hard and finding ways to make a living for both of them while growing the business. He has a financial planner—one of his customers who lives in New York—who has helped him diversify his portfolio and make sure that Cassie has a comfortable future.
“I’m touched, but you have to think about Cassie and your future. Why would you risk your money on a place that might go under?”
“Because the B&B is yours. That’s been your dream since you were little. There’s no way I’d let anything happen to it. I always take care of my girls.”
Landon’s actions, words, and gestures are melting my heart. It’s true, he’s always taken care of his girls. That’s what he calls Cassie and me.
“Please tell me this didn’t tamper with our relationship,” he says with an urgent and desperate tone.
Landon’s a confident man. The few times he lets his vulnerability show is around me, and it’s usually about Cassie.
“I swear I did it because—”
“You don’t like when he tries to take advantage of me,” I interrupt him.
It’s just like the time when I was ten and I came back from trick-or-treating with my friends, and Damian confiscated my candy. Later that night, Landon brought back not only most of the loot Damian had taken away from me, but he went with Holden from door to door to get me more.
And if possible, I fall in love even more.
“Are our five days still on?” he asks hesitantly.
“Swoon me away, noble sir.”
It’s soeasy to lose track of what we have when it’s right in the palm of our hand. In just a few days, I’ve come to remember that I live in paradise. It’s colder in Vermont than it is in Manhattan. That’s one point to NYC. But nothing compares to the snowy mountains, blue skies, and the picturesque views of the town nestled between a curtain of firs.
The buildings towering around us aren’t as appealing. I accept that I’m taken by the bright lights adorning the streets. There’s a holiday feel, but it’s not as intense or as inviting as the one we have in Kentbury.
The ice rink at Rockefeller center is okay, maybe even cute. It’s nothing like the beauty of our big lake in Kentbury, skirted by the vineyard and a few cabins, and filled with a peaceful silence. We don’t have big lines of people waiting for their turn to skate for just an hour on the lake.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Landon asks as I shiver.
Cold oozes through the soft cashmere sweater I wear.
A couple of layers should be enough,I said as I got dressed.