Damian: I don’t like the idea, not for the resort. We can renovate the B&B and add a wing with a couple of extra rooms.

Lee: We don’t touch the Victorian house—it’s a historical building.

I huff and push the elevator button. Then I text Landon.

Lee: I’m almost ready.

Landon: Take your time, text me when you want me to pick you up. Our reservation is at seven. Do you want to skate at Rockefeller Center tomorrow?

Lee: Maybe, can we decide that tomorrow?

Landon: They have a VIP service; we’d have to buy the tickets today.

Lee: Yes, I’d love to. Maybe next time we canbring Cassie with us.

Damian’s text comes right after I send the one to Landon.

Damian: The spa won’t bring any new customers.

Of course it will. Who wouldn’t want to book a girls’ weekend in Vermont and be pampered at our state-of-the-art spa?

Lee: We can discuss it when I’m back. It wouldn’t happen overnight, but we should start planning.

Damian: You’re leaving, remember?

Lee: Bishop, you can butt into the conversation whenever you want.

Damian: He’s at Dad’s, helping him with Cassie. Let things be.

Lee: You’re not the only one who can decide what to do with the resort. We each own a fourth of it.

If I can convince Dad and Bishop, whatever Damian thinks is obsolete.

Damian: More like you and Dad own a fourth and the other fifty gets to decide what we do, but we can talk about that later. I’m on a conference call.

Wait, there’s one fourth missing on that equation…

Lee: BISHOP did you sell your part of the resort to Damian?

I swear, I’m going to kill them.

Hops: I didn’t sell it, I exchanged it for his part of the cider mill. It’s just a ten-year deal so he could renovate it. We all win.

Lee: You’re the only one who wins. No wonder he has no say around the orchard and the cider. What about the vineyard?

Hops: Are we buying it? It’d be perfect to market the cider.

Lee: We can have tours, wine tastings, and weddings. The spa would benefit from it. There’s a perfect place where we can build the spa instead of adding it to the resort.

Damian: Stop, you two. We can’t afford the vineyard.

Lee: It’s a good move, there’s so much we could do with it during the summer. You said it could happen.

Damian: We can’t afford it at the moment, and I don’t think we can get a loan. The Victorian house is under your name, and the resort can’t be used as collateral.

Lee: So we can’t add a spa, and the vineyard is a no go? I demand to see the books of the resort. I’m sure Dad would like that too.

Damian: I saved the place, you have no right to demand the books because you think we’re in trouble.