“Itwasthere. If I’m going to unfall in love, I have to be away from you.”

I finally breathe. The good news is that she’s still in love with me. The bad news is that she’s making up shit. What the fuck does unfall mean? That’s not even a word.

“One week,” I repeat, ignoring the ridiculous word she made up. “Just give me until Friday night, please. You take down those walls. We don’t hide from each other.”

“Aren’t you afraid that afterward, things will be weird between us?”

“Weirder than these past three days? That’s impossible,” I state and take her hand. “You’re determined to leave and move on, I have only one request. For the next week, let me show you what we can be.”

I’m not sure if what I’m saying is romantic or even makes sense. She might be wanting to hear something more heart-stopping.

She looks at me, stunned. “Five days?”

I nod and wait. The silence stretches from seconds to maybe minutes.

The wait feels eternal.

Then, she tilts her head and narrows her gaze.

“If it doesn’t work, you give me a baby?”

I fan the booklets they gave us at the clinic. “I would go through the entire Kamasutra for you. But I would like to explain that when you’re ready, we won’t need any fancy positions to get pregnant. I don’t drink much. I’m clean, but if you want, I can get tested.”

I caress her face, stepping closer to her. I bend down and kiss her cheek lightly. My gaze draws to her full, parted lips pulling me to her.

“Give me time to win your heart, Lee,” I plead my case.

“Landon.” My name sounds like a weak gasp as I caress my mouth with hers.

Our eyes lock, and our souls fuse.

“This is how we’ll do it. I hand you my heart,” I whisper. Our lips are so close, I can feel her tremble with longing. “I’ll take care of the rest,” I finish, tasting her lips as I cup the back of her neck.

She threads her hands through my hair.

I kiss her gently, deeply, possessively, with a fervent urge. My heart beats faster. I always knew that if I ever kissed her, it’d be like touching heaven. But the reality is beyond my wildest dreams. “Five days, please,” I ask again, resting my forehead on top of hers and trying to recover my breath.

She doesn’t respond but gives me a slight nod. I hate that she’s not trusting me.



He kissesme like I’ve never been kissed before. Like his entire life depends on just this one moment. I want him to stop because his taste is intoxicating. If this continues, I’ll become addicted to it. One thing I’ve learned after all this time is that there’s no worse feeling than not knowing if I should wait or forget him.

“Five days, please,” he insists as his forehead rests on top of mine.

My chest is tight, and my throat feels like it’s closing in.

It’s just anxiety, Lee, breathe through it.


As if it’s so easy to breathe through a major life change when one doesn’t even know what, precisely, is about to change. I’d like to reset the timer, go back to Friday or Saturday and reboot them. Start anew and ignore my brothers. No, I should go back in time thirty-five years and make sure that Damian and Bishop don’t hit their heads so many times.

This is all their fault.

Wait, if I go back that far, I might be able to meet my mom. At the thought of my mother, I remember my sweet Cassie. How will she feel if I date her dad? If things don’t work out, she’s going to be crushed. If Landon gives me some of his boys and I have a baby… They can’t live apart. She’s already growing up without a mother.