“I moved to Boston and what did I find? A revolving door of nameless women. Just when I thought things might work out between us because we were both going to live in Kentbury, I discovered that you had a new hobby—the guests at the lodge. It was hopeless. I should’ve moved on, but eight years ago, you found me alone at the creamery. I was a little depressed. Mark was getting married.”

“You said you didn’t love him,” I growl, and until now I’ve never let myself be fucking upset about that bastard.

“I didn’t. I was sad because he proposed to me first. It stung that he moved on. It hurt that I couldn’t love someone who would want a future with me, and I was pining for a guy who would never see me. That night, you said I deserved more than Mark. I was smart, beautiful, and I had a good heart.”

She looks at her left hand and then at me. “For a moment, I thought you could finally see me. A couple of weeks later, Cassie arrived, and I kept being your buddy.”

“Lee, I’m so fucking sorry,” I apologize, but the words aren’t enough.

“You’re here because Cassie believes that you can fix everything. Dad thinks you can persuade me to go back if you say just the right words.”

“They have nothing to do with me being here,” I assure her.

“Bishop keeps telling me to confess my feelings so I can move on with my life,” she continues. “Well, here they are, out in the clear.”

She pulls back her shoulders and looks me in the eyes. “I’ve been in love with you since I was fourteen. I waited for you because I thought one day, you’d see me. You’d notice me and you’d love me as much as I love you. But you don’t have to worry about me. After almost eighteen years, I’m done with this unrequited love.”

“Lee.” I swallow hard as I realize how much pain I’ve inflicted on her, when all I’ve tried to do is protect her.

“It’s okay, I’m a big girl,” she says, dismissing me. “I made up my mind. If it’s not this job, I’ll find something else. I’m not going back. The only thing I need to have is a baby. Look at you, you’ve done well as a single dad.”

Knightly’s a patient woman. She’s a saint when it comes to waiting for things to happen. But when she runs out of patience, she’s done. Nothing and no one will change her mind. Thank you, fucking Damian. He pushed the right buttons to get her out of Kentbury. It’s going to take a miracle to convince her that maybe she’s been waiting since she was fourteen, but I’ve loved her for longer.

Sure, it seems like I’m a great dad. Everyone praises my skills, but none of them look closely enough to notice that my daughter’s being raised by Lee too. She doesn’t miss having a mom because she’s had Knightly her entire life. We’re a team. We’ve been a team since the first night Cassie came into our lives. And when we’re at a loss, her family is there for us.

I’ve been so fucking scared to mess up what I have with Lee, that I didn’t do the right thing from the beginning. Moving forward, I have to be clear about my feelings, which is so fucking hard. How do I do that?

I remember the first night with Cassie when I had no idea what to do with her. Lee said,just love her.Just show her how much she means to you. As long as she feels loved, everything else is secondary.

It’s the same concept, right?

“I can see why you won’t believe me.” I weave my words wisely. “Anything I say might feel hollow. You’ll think that Cassie, Steve, or your brothers pushed me to follow you and drag you back home.”

“Didn’t they?”

I can tell her Damian’s plans, and she’ll be on a plane to Kentbury to kick his ass. That won’t solve our lives.

“I’m here for myself. Last Saturday night, I had a hard time breathing when you said you were leaving. It felt as if someone was ripping my heart out of my chest. I need you by my side to feel alive. My life revolves around you and Cassie. You two are my world. Give me a week to show you I can be the man you deserve.”

“What doesthe man you deserveeven mean?”

“You’re Knightly Harris. One of the prettiest girls in Kentbury. You’re smart, went to college, and you’re the daughter of Rosalinda Kentbury—the last Kentbury. Simply put, you’re unattainable.”

Damian and Knightly have a few things in common. Like the darkened eyes, the flaring nostrils and the twitching jaw when they get upset.

“I’ve worked overtime to hide any emotions that you provoke. Every day, I remind myself that you’re my friend—mybestfriend. Overstepping would only put our relationship at risk. It’s fucking hard, but I can’t lose you. You’re too important to me.”

“I wish I could believe you,” she says.

“One week,” I plea. “Give me this week. If, by Friday night, I can’t change your mind, I’ll give up and give you what you want. A baby.”

“You’ll give me a baby and you’ll walk away?” She squints and crosses her arms.

“Well, kind of,” I say honestly. “I’d want to be a part of his life. I mean, fuck, Lee he’d be ours. I can’t just walk away from him, and Cassie wants a brother.”And you as her mom.

“I’d be living in New York.”

“Your life is in Kentbury.”