Cassie’s always been independent.Unless she’s not feeling well, or she’s sad. That’s when she follows Lee or me around like a little duckling behind her parents. Today is definitely one of those days. She’s clinging to Lee as if she were her lifeline. Of all the days that I need her to ignore us and beg to go outside.

“Sweetheart, why don’t you go out and play?” I suggest.

She glares at me but doesn’t say a word.

“There’s plenty of snow to make snowmen,” I try to persuade her.

“We already made a few at Grandpa’s,” Cassie answers, sternly.

“Should we go home?” I ask since the kitchen looks clean, and it doesn’t seem like they’re making any candy.

“No, I want to stay with Lee,” she insists, wrapping her arms around Knightly’s waist.

Kid, you’re killing me. We don’t have much time left before Lee leaves us. I have a non-established relationship to save. I stare at Damian and Bishop, who are here too.

“What are you doing here, Hops?” I ask exasperated.

It’s like the entire universe decided to fuck with me this weekend.

“Chloe’s packing her things. I don’t want to be there,” he explains.

Great, fucking great. “Shouldn’t you be at your apartment, making sure that she’s only leaving with her stuff?”

“Lee made sure to label everything earlier today,” he explains. “The movers know not to take my things.”

Will he ever grow a pair and stop depending on his baby sister? I glare at him.

“You seem edgy, do you want to hit the gym?” Damian proposes.

“Daddy, when can we go to the woods to choose the Christmas trees?” Cassie looks at me. “Christmas is in two weeks.”

I arch an eyebrow and exhale loudly, looking at Lee. “Probably next weekend. We’ll have to coordinate with Grandpa and your uncles.”

“Friday’s good for me,” Bishop says, checking his phone.

“We can discuss it later,” Damian offers.

“Lee?” I bring her into the conversation because she hasn’t said a word since I arrived.

She shrugs one shoulder and avoids my gaze. Fuck, if she was pissed yesterday, today she can’t even stand me. I narrow my gaze when I notice her blotchy eyes. Has she been crying?

If Cassie weren’t literally attached to her hip, I’d ask Bishop to take her for ice cream so I could be alone with his sister. I know my daughter, she’s not going to leave Lee’s side. If I try, I might make things worse. That’s a risk I won’t take today.

What happened to Cassie?

“Sunday,” she mumbles. “I think Sunday might work.”

“What’s the plan for today?”

“I’m going to the gym,” Damian says, standing up. “Do you want to come?”

“You should go with Uncle Damian,” Cassie suggests. “Lee can take me home and put me to bed when it’s time. She promised to read me a story.”

“What have we told you, Cassie?” Lee presses her lips and gives her a chiding gaze.

My kid’s so independent that sometimes she thinks she’s old enough to make her own decisions. Lee and I keep reminding her that she’s still a kid and has to follow the rules.

“Right, sorry,” she apologizes and pouts. “Daddy, can I please stay with Lee, so we can make candy? If you want, she can take me home after dinner.”