“It’s like everything in this town. Everyone talks about it as it happens,” he says and shrugs. “The next thing you know, there’s something new to keep the attention of the town and you forget all about it.”

“So it’s true?”

He nods and takes a seat in the living room. “Gerry always wanted to work in the shop. He didn’t love your mom enough to quit and do something different. Just like she didn’t love him enough to understand that cars were his passion. You’re a lot like him. You have a gift with cars. Why would you waste your talent doing something else?”

“It’s not a talent,” I correct him. “It’s just a trade.”

“I’ve only met two people who can tell you what’s wrong with an engine just by listening to it running. That’s a gift,” he insists. “Just like Lee. She knows how to make people feel at home. Each person has a talent, and they should embrace it.”

“What do you think about her leaving for New York?”

He leans his head on the couch and takes a deep breath. “What’s there to think? You’re a father. You’ll learn that as your children grow older, you can only be there to guide them, support them, and love them.”

“I wish she’d stay,” I breathe out the words. “I just don’t know how to convince her that she can have everything she wants here. I’d work hard to give it to her.”

“Finally. What took you so long?” His frustrated voice and his annoyed face remind me of Carson’s attitude last night.

“Wouldn’t you like someone better for her? I fix cars for a living, Steve. She deserves a lot more than me. Mom never gets tired of saying that I’m nothing as long as I work at the shop.”

He shakes his head and tsks.

“Gerry was a remarkable man. One of my best friends. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for his family, his friends, and his community. You’re a lot like him,” he continues. “He wasn’tjusta mechanic. I can see why you’d see yourself that way. His only flaw was loving your mother—and listening to her.”

Steve straightens his back and clears his throat. “He could have moved on from your mother, but she made him feel undeserving. In my personal opinion, she can’t see anyone happy—not even her children. My Rosie was the only person who put up with her. She used to say that everyone’s special.

“You repair everything in this town, not only cars. Without you, the farm wouldn’t run as smoothly as it does, nor the lodge, or the bed-and-breakfast. You created new jobs in our community when you took over the shop. The guys who come to you asking for a job don’t know much, but you teach them everything you know. Whether they stay or not, you give them a future.”

“I just do what Gerry used to do,” I say, disregarding what he’s saying.

Suddenly, it hits me. It’s like I see everything in a different light. Steve is right, I always focus on what my mother says. I looked up to Gerry because I love him. Everyone respected him. I try to follow in his footsteps. That doesn’t mean I should stay single because he wasn’t good enough for the woman he loved—my mother.

Lee’s nothing like her.

“Everyone is important in this world and certainly in this town. We’re a part of the engine. If you’re missing one piece, even if it’s a small one, what would happen?”

“It’ll work, but not properly,” he answers me with a smile. “Earlier, I told Lee something similar. We can hire new people to take over her place, but she’s the heart of our family. She matters in every way. Nothing will work as well, but we can function.”

“Did you tell her to stay?” I ask hopefully.

“Did you ask her not to leave?” he retorts, giving me a challenging look.

“I wish I had done it before. It feels as if it’s too late. I’m still not sure if I’m who she needs.”

He sighs, exasperated. “We can spend an entire day talking in circles and never come to an understanding. Your parents aren’t very supportive. It’s hard to see things as they are when they keep making you feel like a failure. You’re not. Everyone in this town looks up to you and cares for you. Lee deserves greatness. A man who supports her, protects her, and loves her. If you can’t offer her that, then you’re doing the right thing by letting her go. Don’t try to hold on to her just because she’s been kind to Cassie. Do it because she’s who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Life is short,” Steve says. “Too short, son.”

He gets a faraway look about him. I don’t know what to say. He sighs and continues.

“You never think the last time you kiss someone might be the last time,” he says, his eyes dimming. He holds his head and shakes it. “One day I had everything and the next I got a call. Rosalinda died in a car accident. I was left with a baby girl and our two boys. I miss her every day, but we had a good life while we were together. Ten years of happiness.

“If you keep second-guessing yourself, you might be wasting precious time.” He looks at me and says, “When you have the chance, you should never miss the opportunity to remind your loved ones how you feel about them. Don’t miss the chance to kiss the love of your life. Always kiss deeper, harder, and fiercer than you think you can.”

“Are you giving me your blessing?” I wonder.

“Well, no one is going to be good enough for her, but you’re close enough.” He smiles at me. “So, what are you going to do?”

