“I should fire you.”

“My wife would still send me to work,” he says without paying attention to my threat. “She thinks you’re a good person who needs help running this place.”

I check the clock and ask, “When are you leaving?”

“I’m staying until six in the morning. The cot in the office is ready, you should go to bed,” he suggests. “Think about what you’re doing. Gerry lost your mother because she wasn’t a good fit for him. But Miss Lee is perfect for you, everyone in town knows it.”

I rub the back of my neck and nod. “If you need me, call me. I’ll be upstairs.”

“You should be with Miss Lee,” he calls out to me as I’m leaving.



I’ve spentmany sleepless nights thinking of Lee. Dreaming about her. Jerking off as I imagine her under me, moaning as I thrust inside her sweet body. Nothing calms the thirst. Tonight, it’s worse. I’m restless as the fear of losing her grips me by the throat.

Despite all my efforts, my heart has only belonged to one person, Knightly Rose. Needless to say, I stay up all night thinking about what Carson told me and how I’m about to lose her.

The news that Mom dated my uncle blew my mind. I’m not surprised she left him because of who he was. My parents have always made sure that unless we follow their advice, everything we’re doing isn’t worthy of their approval.

Over and over we heard that my uncle was just a mechanic. A nobody who would never have what’s needed to be happy. I guess subconsciously, I keep thinking the same about myself. If my parents can’t see me as more than a dirty guy who makes a living by getting under hoods of cars, how would anyone else see me as more?

Lee’s always believed in me. When she came to Boston for college, I had just lost my scholarship and she asked, “What are you going to do?”

“For now, I’m working at the garage down on Commonwealth Avenue, fixing cars and restoring motorcycles,” I responded. “It’s good money but not enough. Which is why I wait tables at O’Riley’s Tavern.”

“See, the world didn’t end. MIT wasn’t what you wanted, was it?”

I shook my head.

“You’ll be fine, Miller. I have faith in you.”

The only thing I lost when I had to leave MIT was my parents’ respect. Which I only had for about a year or so anyway. Is it bad that I still smile when I remember those years partying? I enjoyed every moment. I was finally free from my parents and Kentbury. There was so much to do and experience that the classroom became secondary to me. I don’t regret losing my scholarship, nor coming back to Kentbury and taking over the shop. I love what I do.

But that’s not what defines me, who I am, or what I cherish the most in the world. Cassie and Lee are everything to me. Working hard not to ruin my friendship with Lee wasn’t enough. She’s leaving because I’ve been a coward and never gave her what’s rightfully hers—my heart.

Around five in the morning, I go back to the garage to work on the Corvette and the cars I have to deliver this week. Once I’m done, I set a schedule for Carson. I email a list of the tasks I need everyone to do around the shop, in case I’m gone for the entire week. Lee’s a simple and kind person. I’m sure that if we sit down and talk, we’ll solve our relationship by the end of the day.

Once I’m done, I drive to Steve’s with another change of clothes for Cassie. I’m hopeful that she’ll agree to stay with him for another night. I need to have a long conversation with Lee, and I don’t want anyone around while that’s happening.

“Come on in before Bob escapes,” he orders as he opens the door. “Lee took Cassie with her, along with a couple of liters of maple syrup.”

I crack a smile. My kid got her wish, making candy this weekend. She always finds a way to persuade Lee. Distracted by the news, I don’t notice when Bob cannons toward me.

“Don’t jump,” I warn him, but it’s too late, he springs on top of me. His paws settle on my chest.

“How are you boy?” I rub his ears gently.

He responds by licking my face. “Yes, it’s good to see you too.”

“I take it they left him since he can’t be around while they make the candy?” I guess, pushing Bob away gently.

“Yep, Lee’s kitchen must be a candy factory by now.” He laughs. “You should go and catch up with them. Damian and Hops are there too.”

Before I leave for Lee’s house, I decide to check Carson’s facts and ask, “Carson told me about Gerry and my mother. No one has ever said anything about it before.”

I’m hoping he’ll give me another version. Maybe there’s no version at all.