“And you say that Cassie’s stubborn because of me,” he says, annoyed. “She got that from you.”

I turn off the faucet and turn to look at him. “See, there’s another positive thing about me leaving. I won’t be a bad influence on your kid.”

“She looks up to you, Lee. I don’t want to play the Cassie card, but have you thought what you leaving will do to her?”

His words punch me in the gut. Have I thought about what this will do to Cassie? Has he ever thought about what Cassie’s done to me? Please, don’t get me wrong, I’ve adored that child since the first time I held her in my arms. But before that, I cried for three straight hours while I bought everything she needed.

He had a baby with another woman.

I would remain Lee forever.

I’m still just fucking Lee.

“She’ll be fine. I’m just Lee, the family friend. I babysit her when you need me to. My dad will be happy to take on the role.”

He shakes his head. “You’re more thanjust Leeto Cassie and me.”

“What do you want me to do, Landon? Stay because of Cassie? I’ll be fifty, alone, and the only picture with a kid that I’ll have over my fireplace will be the picture of my friend’s kid who sends me a Christmas card if she remembers.”

It’s a miracle that I’m holding it together. I love that little girl as if she were mine. She’s never going to be more than Cassie. At least she calls my brothers uncles. To her, I’m Lee. I’ll never be Mom.

“I…” He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a breath. “You’re right. Let me know if you need anything while you’re away.”

“You’re leaving?”

“It’s getting late, and the roads are bad. The tow truck company might get busier than usual. If that’s the case, the guys will need me.”


When he gets to the door, he stops and lowers his head. “I wish I could offer you what you need, because I hate losing you.”

Once he’s gone, the tears begin to fall one after another. My heart is breaking because his words just solidify what I’ve known all along. He’s never going to feel the way I do. For hours, I stare at the closed door, wishing that he’d have stayed and given me at least a kiss before we said goodbye.



While Lee described her future,I felt a familiar jolt of dismay. I’m so used to being told that I’m just a mechanic who can’t offer more to the one child I accidentally had. Not that I consider Cassie an accident. She’s my lucky charm. So far, I’ve done well enough for her, but I couldn’t be everything that Knightly Rose wants.

A husband who’d cater to everything she needs. Someone who can give her what she deserves. Nothing I do will compare to a college degree and a job at a fancy office in the middle of Manhattan. She dated a guy like that when she was in college. Mark, Zack, or was it Sam? I can’t remember his name, but she seemed happy with him. They broke up when she decided to move back to Kentbury.

Once she settles in New York, she’ll find someone like him. Definitely, not me. I wish I had told her how much I need her. That maybe my kid isn’t hers, but Cassie loves her so much—like a mother. I hate to accept that my mother’s right about me. At least I have my Cassie.

When I get home, I go into the garage. Carson, one of the guys who has worked for us since my uncle owned the place sits by the desk in front of the old switchboard.

“Why are you here, boss?”

“In case you guys need me,” I answer as I put on my work clothes.

I might as well get something done tonight.

“It’s too cold, shouldn’t you be at home with Lee? You brought her a fancy dinner.” He takes out his phone. “At your age, I’d rather be at my house with my woman.”

“Go home to your wife, I’ll take care of everything,” I say.

“You should be at home with Miss Lee. Why bring her a fancy dinner if you’re going to leave early? You kids don’t know how to woo a woman.”

Carson’s a big help around the garage, but annoying when it comes to my personal life.