The nostalgia is killing me tonight.

When I enter the creamery, the bell above the glass door rings. The place is busy with tourists. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with people asking me where Cassie or Landon are.

“Where’s Cassie?” Mrs. Bowman, the owner of the creamery, asks.

I swallow the grunt and smile at her.

“I made hot cocoa flavor today,” she says. “I was hoping you’d bring her since it’s Saturday and the ice rink is open.”

“She’s with my dad tonight,” I answer, sighing.

“I’m glad. You and Landon need some alone time. Do you want to take a pint home for tomorrow?”

Mute, I stare at Mrs. Bowman. There’re so many things I should tell her. Like Landon and I don’t need time alone. That we don’t share a home. We’re not a couple. I don’t though, because what if she saysI know, but you’re in love with him.

Does everyone see me as the pathetic loser in love with her best friend?

I don’t say anything. Even though I want to leave, I order a pint of hot chocolate, and a pint of marshmallow rainbow because it’s brand-new and we always try the new flavors together. I get half a gallon of vanilla custard, and because I just can’t help myself, I also order a pint of peppermint ice cream for Landon because I’m a sucker for that man.

God, I need another intervention. Arealintervention, not a talk with my brothers while they try to tell me what to do.

“Say hi to Cassie and Landon from me,” Mrs. Bowman says when she hands over the bag with the ice cream.

“Sure, Mrs. Bowman.” I fake a smile, realizing that she really thinks I’m an extension of them.

We’re not a happy family.

“Tell Landon that I added the box of chocolate peppermint baskets he ordered. Do you think he’d like to try the marshmallow sprinkles?”

What are marshmallow sprinkles?

She doesn’t wait for my response and leaves me standing in front of the register.

“Here.” She hands me a tub of tiny snowflake shaped marshmallows.

I frown. Where does she get these novelties?

“How much do I owe you?”

She waves her hand and shakes her head. “It’s on the house. Landon never charges me when I need an oil change. He always helps me when my car, the appliances, or my furnace, break down.”

That’s awfully nice of him. He’s always looking after everyone, and sometimes he doesn’t charge. I wish everyone could be more like him.

“Thank you,” I say because the second option is to pull out my wallet and explain to her that we’re not together.

Mooching off my best friend’s favors isn’t very neighborly of me. I’m usually verbal, but today I’ve been stopping myself from clarifying my relationship with Landon too many times. Earlier while I was talking to Bethany, she asked me if I was going to get married at the farm when Landon and I finally decided to take that step.

We’re not together.

“Drive safe, dear,” she says, waving at me. “The roads are starting to get icy. I’ll call Landon to let him know that you’re on your way home and to look out for you.”

I press my lips and nod. If I get the job in New York, I’m going to make sure everyone knows that Landon and I aren’t an item. If not, they might start a rumor that I abandoned him and his daughter.



It takes twicethe time it normally does to get home. There’s black ice on most of the intersections, and some drivers are skidding as they abruptly brake when they come to a stop sign or a red light.