Page 39 of Love in the Dark

It’s the final of the fencing championships from last year.

Before today, I’d never met a fencer. At least, not that I knew of. I’d been mesmerized by Nera on the mat, by the dexterity of her feet and hands as she wielded her sword against her invisible opponents.

The raging hard on I’d gotten from watching her is still throbbing in my trousers, demanding a release.

I find myself putting on the bout and watching. When the video is done, it suggests a video from the juniors team and my breath catches when I see her in the background of the thumbnail.

I sit up and press play, captivated. Seeing her in ajuniorscompetition just last year only serves as a reminder of how young she is.

Tooyoung, even if I wasn’t her professor.

I don’t think I blink as I watch her match. Seeing her next to her peers only goes to confirm what I noticed earlier. She’s much slighter than them.

What she lacks in raw strength, she makes up for in agility. Her footwork is quick and she’s nimble when she moves. There’s a grace to her, almost like a ballerina and I’m entranced as I watch her.

She’s good. Really fucking good.

The bout is a back-and-forth affair, the two opponents pretty evenly matched in terms of skill. It all comes down to the last point. I find myself standing, bottle in hand, as I watch their swords clash.

I wish I could see her face, but the mask makes that impossible. I’m torn between wanting her to wear it in bed and knowing that there’s no way I could come without seeing her expression as she falls apart for me.

She lunges, slashing her opponent but not getting the point. When she goes to retract, she stumbles. The other fencer sees her opportunity and takes it.

She dives and I watch as her sword hits Nera square on the chest. A red light goes off and sounds in the distance and the other fencer rips her mask off and screams, victorious.

Nera’s head falls forward slightly and I can feel the bone deep disappointment pouring off her even as her face remains obscured. She straightens and takes off her mask.

I’m standing inches from the screen now and as the camera pans on her, I see the unfocused look in her eyes.

There’s something wrong, I can tell.

She shakes her head like she wants to get rid of something and when she stops, the look is gone.

I know I didn’t imagine it.

She shakes the other fencer’s hand and nods, then unhooks the body cord and walks to the edge of the mat.

An attractive but severe looking older man who wasn’t there moments ago waits for her now. I watch the line of her shoulders stiffen as she sees him. She pauses almost imperceptibly mid-step before making her way over to him.

He places a hand on the back of her neck. She’s so still that she looks like an inanimate object, even through the TV. The camera moves, panning over to the winner of the bout so that Nera and the mystery man are half obscured in the background, but I can see the harsh lines of his mouth as it moves against her ear. The way the muscles in his hands are rigid as he grabs her neck. The way she stiffens even further until I’m sure that she’s not breathing.

I know for having been on the receiving end of my fair share of reamings that she’s getting absolutely lambasted.

The channel cuts abruptly to a commercial so I don’t see what happens next, but something about that exchange raises the hairs on the back of my own neck.

The screen goes dark for a second and reflects my own face back at me mere inches from the screen, the couch long forgotten, making me realize the absurdity of my actions.

Disgusted with myself, I turn the TV off and drop back onto the couch. I’m not going to make it to tomorrow, let alone June if I keep this up.

If I thought my lack of text back would deter her, I’m wrong. An hour after her first text, she messages again.

Unknown number:I never got to show you what I can do with my mouth :(

The groan that falls from my lips sounds almost agonized to my own ears. She’s going to be the death of me if she keeps sexting me.

If I text her to stop and give in to the way she so obviously baits me, then she’ll continue. I take my phone and toss it unseeingly behind me into my bedroom, happy to hear it land on my bed and not the floor.

But now all I can think about is her between my legs, her dark eyes pinned on me as she brings her mouth down around my cock.