Page 83 of Love in the Dark

I take advantage of the last moments of silence to listen for any noises she might be making but no sounds come through.


I wonder how far she’s gotten. I wonder what strategy she’s chosen, if she’s hiding or if she’s running.

I wonder if she knows she can even have a strategy.


I don’t let myself fantasize about what I’ll do when I catch her. There’s no way it can compare to what the real thing will be like because make no mistake – there isn’t a world where this ends any other way than with her writhing under me, begging me for mercy.


I’m running before I can even finish the thought. My long legs take me to the tree line much faster than hers did. Adrenaline spikes as my palm hits the first tree and I pause. I can’t hear anything over the sound of my own excited heartbeat. Tuning it out, I focus on the noises of the woods. On listening for a slight disturbance or particularity that feels other.

There’s nothing. Not a sound. Even the other animals are quiet, as if they’re all watching this game play out. Arousal shoots through me and hardens my cock to the point of discomfort. Blood pounds in my length, calling for me to find her and fuck her rough.

Something tells me that she ran, not hid. She wouldn’t choose to be a sitting duck when she has a chance to outsmart and outplay me.

My gut says that she’ll have run straight into the woods to put as much distance between us as possible, forgetting that the deeper she gets into the brush, the more at my mercy she is.

A hundred meters from the edge of the forest, I find traces of her passage. There’s a footprint in a soft part of the earth. I can’t help but think about how her feet must be hurting now. How she’s still running anyway.

My dark little thing.

Every day around her, every moment spent with her, surprises me. She keeps me desperately hooked, keeps me guessing, wondering what’s in that pretty little head of hers. I’m afraid she might drive me to beg if she doesn’t let me see behind those sad eyes soon.

There’s a dark energy pulsing in the forest and it invigorates me.

“Where are you, jailbait?” I call out, the tone of my voice gritty. I don’t speak loudly, but in the emptiness of the night my words ring clearly.

I run again, heading deeper into the woods. I’m quickly covering ground and there’s only so far she can run before she has to stop and catch her breath. She won’t have hidden at the first stop, so I keep running.

A flash of color catches my eye in the near distance and a bolt of electricity thrills through me. There she is, my prey. Almost too easy, but it can be forgiven for her first time. Desire pounds in my dick, rendering me almost mindless with confusion. Everything calls to me to find her and fuck her down hard.

She’s unmoving, clearly hiding behind a tree. It’s a small corner of her orange dress that gives her position away.

That fucking dress. I’d almost given myself away telling her I could buy her another one. Actual professors don’t have a second account their sister has dropped a large sum of money into for emergency purposes like I do. But for a foolish moment getting her another one of those dresses had felt like a real emergency.

I get closer, silent as the most terrifying of predators. I wonder what face she’ll make when I reveal myself to her. Whether she’ll scream or freeze in place.

Something feels off as I move quietly between the trees towards her. I don’tfeelher. There’s no tingling in my nerves, no tightening of my stomach like when she’s usually there. It doesn’t matter that I can’t physically see her. I’ve never needed to in order to know when she’s in my space.

I straighten to my full height and walk around the tree to where she’s hiding.

Except she’s not.

Hanging from a low branch is the fur shawl she was wearing to keep her warm. Next to it, intentionally placed to catch my eye and misdirect me, are the remnants of her couture dress.

Something like wonder and pride squeeze my heart and hold tight. She ditched the colorful dress so she could blend in more with her surroundings, and she used the opportunity to mislead me.

Clever girl.

I pull the dress down and bring it up to my nose, inhaling in deeply. I’m hit in the senses by a tidal wave of her addictive scent, one so strong that my eyes flutter closed to take it in.

She took her clothes off in late fall temperatures just to thwart me. She’s in the dark and damp forest nearly naked, running and hiding from me.

Fuck, she’s perfect.