Page 6 of Pay for Your Lies

“I was checking if you had a fever because I swear I just heard you say the craziest thing.”

She laughs at me, giving me a look. “Calling it how I see it.”

“Maybe I’m the one with the fever.” I reply, grabbing her hand and putting it against my forehead. “Do I feel warm?”

She pulls her hand out of my hold and playfully shoves my shoulder. “You know who would react the exact same way you just did? Rhys. You guys are so similar.”

“So what?” I ask her, as we approach the golf cart.

“No!” She exclaims as I go towards the left door, startling me. “You’ve had a long afternoon. Let me drive.”

“Subtle, B.” I tell her, going around to the other side. “I’m not that bad of a driver, you know.”

“Of course you’re not.” She says with the same voice her mom – Trish, my unofficial adoptive mama – uses when she’s trying to mollify me.

“What’s your point, anyway? You remember that I love Carter right?”

Bellamy is not Carter’s biggest fan.

She used to be.

When he first asked me out, we poured over every text message and every romantic gesture until we both fell in love with him for me.

For a long time, I had the best boyfriend and best friend. We did everything together and life was simple. It wasn’t necessarily very exciting, but at least I was content.

Then almost three months ago and out of nowhere, he cheated on me.

With a girl from a rival team, to add insult to injury.

I honestly wasn’t sure why. We were in love, or so I thought, and he was happy. He said it was a drunken mistake and I chose to believe and forgive him.

I guess I wasn’t ready for the devastation of my first heartbreak, especially not as I was about to leave for Switzerland.

Bellamy’s never been anything but supportive of my decision but I can tell the rift is there and quietly pervasive.

With every passing day, I feel the two most important people in my life drifting further and further apart.

This as I watch, my heart bruised and my self-esteem completely shattered. I pieced myself back together enough to make it to Switzerland, but it’s not perfect. The major parts are all accounted for but there’s dozens of tiny shards that haven’t been glued back on yet.

In the meantime, things are back to normal between Carter and I.

Better even.

He’s been a great boyfriend since the incident, buying me flowers and writing me declarations of love. I should be over the moon, and yet…it’s been hard.

Our schedules aren’t lining up as well as I was hoping and it’s been difficult to talk on the phone. Since I’ve been here, we've texted and sent voice notes but we’ve spoken on the phone only a grand total of three times.

It’s weird not hearing his voice every day, but it’s been manageable.

A few months ago, I don’t think I’d have been able to go more than a couple of days without speaking to him.

“Thayer?” Bellamy asks, waving a hand in front of my eyes.

“Yes. Sorry, what?”

“You zoned out on me.” She says, turning the golf cart into the parking spot. “Anyway, I was saying I’m not telling you to sleep with Rhys. But you’re more hostile with him than you are with literally everyone else we’ve met here. Maybe you could try being his friend?”

“I’m surprised you’re saying that to me. We don’t know these people — theserichpeople — but we’ve already learned they’re a whole different breed. I mean look at his psycho best friend.” I add, tossing my hands up to emphasize my point.