Page 78 of Pay for Your Lies

“You’re not.” I growl.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re not his. You haven’t been his since he cheated on you, not since you moved here without him.” I snarl, taking another step towards her. “You’re mine. You’ve been mine for a long time. I know it. My friends know it. Your friends know it. I think even you know it, but you just won’t admit it to yourself.” I say with an emotionless laugh. “I’ve been waiting for you to figure it out, but I’m starting to think you’re never going to get there.”

“Maybe–,” She starts and stops, looking away from me. Her eyes drop to the floor before she continues, “Maybe you should sleep with someone else.”

I nod slowly, my mouth flattening into a straight line. Disappointment claws at my chest that we’re at an impasse we can’t seem to move past.


Her head snaps up and her eyes come up to meet mine, a whole world of emotions swirling in them. She opens her mouth again to say something, what I don’t know, but seems to think better of it.

Instead of adding anything else, she opens the door and darts out, leaving me with a scrambled mind and an itch to run after her.

I run my hands through my hair, exhaling a deeply frustrated breath.

She infuriates me.

Even when she infuriates me, I want nothing more than to grab her and shut her up with my mouth.

We’re just going around in circles.

I really should find someone else to fuck so I can get her off my mind and ease the daily tension that seems to have made a home for itself in my chest.

“I just saw Thayer run out of here.”

I turn at the sound of Devlin’s voice. He’s standing in the room, his arms crossed against his chest and a smug look on his face.

“Looks like you might lose that bet after all,” He says, pointing at a watch on his wrist that isn’t there, “By my calculations, you’re running out of time. Only a week left.”

I don’t think before I punch him in the jaw, my hand connecting with his face before he finishes his sentence.

His head snaps to the side with a brutal cracking noise.

“What the f–” He says, holding his jaw and turning his face back towards me.

I punch him again, cutting him off. He falls to the ground this time, the force of the blow dropping him onto his back.

“Never,” I say, bending over him, “Say her name again. I don’t want you think about it and I sure as fuck don’t want to hear it come out of your mouth.”

I step over him and walk out.




I don’t feel well.

My stomach is queasy and I have a nauseous feeling in my belly that I can’t shake. Maybe I drank too much tonight or maybe it’s the start of some type of stomach bug I’m coming down with.

Maybe not.

No, if I want to be honest with myself for once, the truth is I’ve felt sick to my stomach ever since I told Rhys he should fuck someone else.

As if he was even fucking me to begin with.