Page 39 of Too Good to Be True

That was Richard.

“Bullshit. Mum wouldn’t put anyone in there. It’s ghoulish.”

“It’s a beautiful room. Outside Robin and Cherry, it’s the best in the house. At least on the feminine side of things.”

“So it was your decision.”

“She’s a special guest. She might be your sister-in-law if things go well for Daniel.”

“So you put her in a dead woman’s room?”

What the hell?

A dead woman?

“Please tell me you didn’t tell her about that,” Richard demanded.

“Fuck no, I didn’t. Christ, Dad.”

“It was nearly a hundred years ago.”

Nearly a hundred years ago.

Oh my God.

Dorothy Clifton had been given my room.

“Not a single person has slept in that room for ninety-five years, until last night,” Ian declared.

“I told your mother it was time to break the seal.”

“So it was you who put her in that room.”

“It isn’t an issue, Ian.”

“She’s going to figure Danny out.”

“I’m sure you helped her with that on your tour,” Richard said snidely.

“Might as well save her some time.”

“You can’t see your brother happy.”

“No, I can. I want that for him. What I don’t want is for him to shit on yet another woman while he makes himself happy, just like his father taught him.”

The viciousness of Richard’s next had me holding my breath. “How fucking dare you,” he snarled.

“Pretty fucking easy, Dad. Christ, she’s a shell. You think I’m her son and I don’t feel that for her?”

Richard’s shift of subject felt like whiplash, and I wasn’t even part of the conversation.

“She’s in that room. She’s fine. There’s no reason to move her. It’s a beautiful room.”

“And Louella is in Floral, which is the shittiest room in the house. How stupid do you think women in general are?” Ian sneered. “Do you honestly think they haven’t figured you out, at least Daphne? She had your ticket the second she laid eyes on you.”

“I don’t have a ticket, for God’s sakes.”

“You’re worse than her father, and she smelled that on you before you entered the Pearl Room to greet her.”