Page 213 of Too Good to Be True

“With what happened tonight, he wants it all out, and he’s told me he’s right now sharing this with Portia too, but he lied about not being out that first morning you were here.”

I felt my lips purse.

“You were correct in your deductions,” he informed me. “Brittany was furious Daniel was perfectly fine allowing her to serve his family and see to his new girlfriend. She was making more threats and demands. Alas, he had nothing more to give, so she told him she was going to tell Portia about them. He went out that morning to meet her away from the house to try to reason with her. His efforts, as we know, failed. And this, my love, is the real reason why he packed Portia up to escape later that day. He wanted to get her away from Brittany.”

This was annoying.

However, now, everything was explained.


“Did you have suspicions it was Clifton?”

He took another pull from his cigarette and nodded. “Yes. He’s the only stranger in recent memory who had been shown to the areas of the house he utilized. Including the Brandy Room. Dad showed him some papers there, and shared that Clifton was with him when he opened the safe. Although I suspected, I didn’t want to entertain it. The fact someone on staff was letting an outsider into the house to wander at will unseen while we went about living our lives none the wiser was unsettling.”

He could say that again.

I shivered.

He noticed and murmured, “We should go up. You’ve had a trying night.”

“We all have. Finish your cigarette,” I replied.

Ian being Ian acquiesced by taking another pull and wrapping his arm around me.

“It all came together when you saw him,” I guessed.

“Yes, and no. When Kathleen called to warn me he was approaching the property before it culminated, she’d already told me they’d tracked him to a grubby flat in town. So he was staying close, which made him the prime suspect, and therefore she was keeping an eye on him. Sadly, they discovered this after his earlier visit and mad dash from you. But yes, after she shared that, I realized his intent was to terrify anyone who might happen upon some scene he created, and from what was already reported to me, his motive was clear. I know these types of maneuvers well. He was hedging his bets.”

“Mm,” I hummed.

His attention on me changed, and I knew why when he asked, “Did you have a nice chat with Mum?”

Nice wasn’t how I’d describe it…exactly.

“Yes,” I said.

“Care to tell me what you two discussed at three in the morning?” he requested.

I put my head on his shoulder and replied, “Perhaps someday I will.”

“All right,” he gave in gallantly. But then, his tone changed, it was very quiet, when he queried, “She knows, doesn’t she? And now you do too.”

“About?” I inquired cagily.


I sighed.

Then I turned and kissed his neck.

I settled in again and answered, “Yes, honey. She knows everything. Though, I suspect, the lady of the house always does.”

Ian didn’t reply.

He smoked his cigarette, and I sat cuddled into him while he did.

And when he was done, arm still around me taking me with him, he leaned forward and crushed it out.