Page 189 of Too Good to Be True

But I said nothing. She seemed content, and we’d had a good day together, getting along the entire time.

I didn’t want to rock that boat.

“It’s nice Ian offered to help Daniel with the money,” she ventured. “I probably shouldn’t have done it. Or at least not offered it myself, then quit my job.”

No, she shouldn’t have done that.

“Well, it’s handled now,” I remarked.

“Ian to the rescue again,” she mumbled, but in glancing at her, she didn’t seem downhearted about it. Just like she was noting the truth.

Even so, I told her, “He loves his brother, Portia.”

“Daniel worships him, you know. Part of that whole app thing is about making Ian proud of him that he did something smart. Made a load of money.”

“Yes, but Ian has mentioned Daniel is competitive.”

“He is, but it isn’t about that. I don’t think he thinks he can become a billionaire from an app. He just wants to make his own way. Especially with Ian soon to inherit everything. And I’m not making a thing of it, just stating fact, but I know how it is to depend on a sibling for money. He’s a man. It’s worse for them.”

Right or wrong (read: wrong), that last part was the truth.

However, until then, it hadn’t occurred to me to what extent Daniel might be concerned about the state of play with the title change.

I’d have to give Ian the heads up about that, though I didn’t relish it.

It seemed to all fall on him to make everyone feel okay about things he had no power over, and they’d all lived their lives knowing it would happen.

But then, in the end, he got the title and Duncroft.

It just proved nothing came without a price.

“Is Daniel upset that he had to rely on Ian to swoop in and save the day?” I inquired.

“Not at all. I thought he would be, but he’s excited about Ian being involved. Knowing what’s going on. This is probably because Ian was impressed with the project. He told me Ian seemed pleased, and that meant a lot to him. He was ticked at first Ian thought he was behind what’s going on at the house. But then, with what we pulled at the beginning, it wasn’t surprising. Daniel saw that. And then Ian involved Daniel in searching and keeps asking him what his thoughts are and stuff like that. I can tell, it makes Daniel feel important that Ian seems to be taking him seriously.”

Well then.


That said, since she brought it up.

“Why did you pull that shit with me?” I asked.

“You hate scary movies, and Duncroft is famous for its supposed ghosts. I know you. I knew you’d look into it before you came. I was messing with your head. I thought it would be funny.” She took a breath and said, “It wasn’t funny, and I feel like a total bitch I pulled that on you. Daniel was angry with me. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea in the first place. He thought it was immature. He said you’d never like him now.”

I didn’t say anything to that.

She turned to me. “I hope you know I truly am sorry. And I know you’re not sure about him, but Daniel really wants you to like him because he really likes me.”


“I’ll give him a chance, honey,” I allowed.

“Yay!” she cried happily.

“I’m trusting him to take care of you during all this,” I warned.

“Oh, he will,” she promised.