Page 130 of Too Good to Be True

The door opened and weak light came in from the hallway, but the bed was between me and it, and I couldn’t see.

Something trickled in my eye.

I dashed at it, and it was wet.

“Oh my God, oh my God,” I chanted, scurrying to find my feet and backing up.

I hit the wall and let out a scream.

The door remained open.

The hall was empty.

No one was anywhere near me except…that thing.

I scrambled to the bed, turned on the light, then crawled over the bed, turning on the other one. I opened the drawer, yanked out my phone, and shivering like a lunatic, I called Ian.

“Please don’t have do not disturb on, please don’t have—” I chanted as it rang, drawing my legs up and holding them to my chest.

“Daphne?” he answered, sounding sleepy.

“Someone was in my room,” I breathed, sounding as frightened as I was.

“Where are you?”

“In bed. They ran out. Down the hall.”

“I’m coming.”

“Ian, I’m not making this up. I saw them. It touched me.”

“I’m on my way, darling. Breathe.”

“It wasn’t a dream.”

“Breathe, Daphne.”

“I’m being very serious.”

“I can tell. Can you breathe for me?”

“I’m scared out of my mind.”

“I can tell that too,” he sounded funny, jerky, like he was running. “Breathe for me, sweetheart.”

I got one shaky breath into my lungs before I had my suspicions confirmed and Ian ran into the room.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he snarled, racing the final few feet to the bed.

“She was here.”

He sat on the bed while I spoke, reaching to me.

“She was here,” I repeated.

Tentatively, he touched my temple.

I flinched.