Page 124 of Too Good to Be True

I expected someone to come in, like Daniel to plead Portia’s case, but that didn’t happen before Richard spoke.

“I’m sure you know by now that Louella and I had a…liaison.”

I jolted, like I’d been struck by lightning.

He smiled a slippery, obnoxious smile. “I can assure you it was before your father.” He lifted his shoulders in a mock-indifferent shrug. “It was when she was casting about for a patron. She married your father not long after I ended things with her.”

I didn’t know what to say.

I didn’t know why he was telling me this.

Though, sadly, I didn’t disbelieve him.

Even when Lou was at the height of her career, she dated older men. After years of thinking on it, I put it down to her trying to find her father, who adored her and made her feel safe, and it wasn’t wrong to search for something like that.

Whatever made you happy.

“Obviously,” he continued, “I’d never leave my Jane for her.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked, my voice a lash.

“Why?” He seemed shocked at the question.

“Yes. Why?”

“Because Daniel’s told me what’s befallen her, poor girl. And I wanted you to know how sorry I am for her, your family, and tell you if there’s anything at all I can do…”

He let that trail.

“Are you a neurosurgeon?”


“An oncologist?”


“In other words, no. I don’t believe there’s anything you can do. But thanks, Richard. Though, I hope you don’t mind, I won’t share this tête-à-tête with Lou.”

“The affair may have ended, but it was enjoyable while it lasted, and—”

“Please, don’t,” I hissed, moving to leave.

“I’m concerned about her,” he stated.

I stopped. “I don’t know you very well, and I’m in your home and it pains me to be impolite, but you must know I don’t believe you. More, it sickens me that you’d use the awful thing that’s happening with Lou to do something petty and spiteful like you’re doing now.”

I moved toward him.

He stood staring at me and not backing down.

I stopped close.

“Do you think it makes me think less of Lou, that she was with you? Is that what this is? To shock me and make me upset that my stepmother had an affair with a married man? Doing that within a few hours of me finding out she has a tumor in her brain?”

“Hardly. As I said. I’m concerned. I thought she told you about us.”

“She came here for Portia, the question is, why on earth did you allow her in your house with your wife here?”