Page 198 of Too Good to Be True

Another landing, I pushed through the door.

And stopped dead when I saw the twenties style, black evening shoe on the floor. The T-strap was silver leather.

I shook myself out of it and raced out of the room.

And thus commenced chasing a shadow through the house.

But it was definitely not a shadow. It was somebody. I heard their footfalls and followed them.

Into rooms.

Down passageways.

Up and down stairs.

They were just always out of reach.

And worse, sight.

We were heading down to the ground level, but right when I exited the passage—the door left open in their haste, I thought—some kind of blanket or rug was thrown over my head and I felt a hand in my chest, shoving me back.

I threw my arms out to stop myself and the back of my forearm slammed against the doorway to the passage. Wood crashing against bone, the pain registered, which was most unfortunate.

I curled it in instinctively to cradle it, when I should have used it to help find my footing. I crashed into a wall, teetering and trying to pull the thing off my head.

That was when I went flying.

Down the stairs. The thing on me sailed off (though, it felt more like it was pulled off), and thank God, I somehow managed to grab a railing. It was this which stopped me from falling down the entire flight of stairs.

I’d had my breath knocked out of me, though, and the tumble hadn’t felt good. I had to take a moment to get my wind back.

I looked around, and no one was there. Not a soul to help me by grabbing that blanket.

Another shiver snaked along my spine.

I was sitting on a tread when I heard a crashing of footsteps above me, looked up, and was blinded by a phone’s light.

I put my hand out to guard against it when I heard, “Bloody hell, are you hurt?”


“Go,” I told him then pointed to the still-opened door I’d been shoved through. “He went that way.”

“He? Who?”

“He. She. I don’t know. I just know I saw them, I heard them, and they went that way.”

He hesitated. “I don’t want to leave—”

“Richard!” I yelled. “Go!”

His back shot straight. “Assure me you’re all right.”

“I’m fine. Go.”

He wasted another ten valuable seconds.

Then he went.