Page 129 of Too Good to Be True

It was nauseating.

Ian turned to me.

But it wasn’t Ian.

It was David.

He leered and became Thomas.

I lifted my skirt and turned to flee, and like a streak, a figure moved from the back of the church, down the aisle, to stand at the foot of the altar.

I couldn’t make out her face.

She was wearing a fur-trimmed coat and cloche hat.

“But what about Rose?” she asked me.

I felt something touch my cheek.

I woke.

The room was dark as tar.

But there was someone in there with me.

I knew it.

I felt it.

My blood ran cold.

“Ian?” I whispered, knowing it wasn’t him.

Whoever it was closed the drapes, and he wouldn’t do that.

Through the dark, I saw a shadow move.

Blonde hair.



Oh my God!

I reached for the light.

It knocked my hand away.

I was awake.

This was real.

And whatever that was, was close enough to touch me.

Horror-stricken, I scrambled over the bed and fell off the other side, slamming my head into the nightstand.

Pain darted through my temple into my eye as I crashed to the floor.