No, not a dream.

A nightmare.

It seemed like dreams haunted me regardless of whether I am awake or sleeping.

Sitting up in my bed, I glanced at my phone on the bed side table.

It took me a minute to calm my breathing and wipe the sweat from my brow.

It was almost four in the morning. I had barely slept at all this week as I had been back home during Spring Break. My dreams had started out slowly, but the last two nights had proven that my dreams were back with a vengeance. I still hadn’t told my Mom, she had been so happy to have me home and I didn’t want to destroy her happiness.

Well, at least not yet.

And this dream had felt so real – that I wasn’t even sure how I would explain it, anyway.

Shadow Legacy Academy had been closed during this time and I hadn’t spoken to any of my friends since I had left last week.

Things had been — complicated.

In only a few short weeks, students had gone missing, and I had discovered that I wasn’t a failure in the Supernatural world. In fact, I am a Seer and Fae, which is pretty rare, and I helped not only find the missing students in the dangerous and deadly Thorn Forest, but I helped bring them back to the academy safely.

Everything was going smoothly, and Anson and I were… Well again, that’s complicated, too.

Chapter 2

“Areyouready?”Momasked, as I grabbed a steaming hot muffin.

Taking a bite, I savored the sweet blueberry goodness as it melted like butter in my mouth.

“As ready as I ever will be,” I answered, bites of the muffin falling out of my mouth as I spoke.

Mom gave me a pointed look as she leaned against the white marble counter. The last few days she had been watching me like a hawk, asking me a million questions like I was fragile and about to break.

“A lot happened…” her words trailed off, as she saw my eyes widen.

Ever since I had discovered my true powers, danger had seemed to find me around every corner. Now that I was back home in the human realm, I had been safe. Well, safe except for my gut-wrenching dreams that plagued me. Other than that, I was golden.

The biggest change of all was that my mom had been using her magic more freely in front of me since I had been home during Spring Break. She had even taught me how to summon small items like coffee mugs, my hair straightener, and other essential items.

I had never felt close to my mom or to my Supernatural heritage, but now, I was starting to feel like I truly belonged and had a purpose. Being part of the Halliwell Witch Legacy was a big deal, and when I first arrived at Shadow Legacy Academy, I really got my first glimpse into how important my heritage truly was.

I knew that venturing back to Shadow Legacy Academy would mean facing new demons and more struggles, but it would also mean that I would learn more about my powers and the Supernatural world. To be honest, I was excited about returning to school. To my own surprise, I had made friends and even a – boyfriend. I was still a little unclear on what Anson and I were exactly, but I knew that the thought of him made my heart flutter and a strange smile grow over my face.

“I think you are excited to return to school,” she mused.

I hated that Mom was enjoying this. She had waited years to see me smile and swoon over a boy, but I still hated the attention.

“I like the academy and my friends,” I sighed, knowing she was going to give up on this topic.

“And Anson?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

Diverting my eyes, I tried to find something on the tile floor to look at to keep me from glancing at my mom. I could feel her eyes boring into me and my cheeks were flushed red.

“Yes, I like Anson. He helped me save those missing students, and he saved me from Stella when she shifted into her Dragon,” I shot out.

“Well, I am still proud of how you handled everything. Especially, during and after the Unveiling Ceremony,” she paused and her voice grew serious. “My Unveiling Ceremony had been so magical and wonderful and I hate that yours had been ruined, but your father would have been so proud of how you handled yourself. You are a strong Seer and Fae. You are bound for amazing things,” she said, tears glistening in her eyes.

I hated showing emotion and moments like these made me super awkward, even if her words sent a happiness through me that I couldn’t seem to contain.