Chuckling, Anson pulled me in for a hug. Man, I missed being this close to him. Tugging me closer, he moves us down the hall toward a dark corner near a closet. We are out of sight of any prying eyes. Leaning down, Anson places a soft kiss to my lips and my stomach does somersaults. His hands move to my hips and I can’t help but allow my hands to roam over his chiseled abs. After a moment, we both break apart, trying to catch our breath.

“Hey. Did I tell you that I missed you over the break?” he asked, smiling down at me.

I move closer, feeling my cheeks heat as my smile almost takes over my entire face.

“I don’t think so,” I say coyly.

Taking my hand, Anson places it against his chest where his heart is racing wildly. I can feel warmth radiating off of him in waves. His scent of mint and air provides me with a sense of home that I hadn’t really known I was missing until now.

“As much as I want to hide in here, kissing you, we have to go back out into reality,” Anson says, eliciting a groan from me.

Moving out of the shadows, I stuff down a giggle as I think about our little escapade.

Together, we walk into the cafeteria and grab glazed donuts and apple juice, before sitting at a small table in the back. There are only two other people in here, but I know soon enough, the room will be filled with hungry Supernaturals. I want to enjoy my moment with Anson for as long as I can.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call during break,” Anson rushes out, before shoving a large bite of his donut into his mouth.

Shaking my head, I try to wave his apology off, but inside, I’m happy to hear it. I had been too nervous to call or text him because I didn’t want to seem too clingy, but I had truly missed him.

“It’s ok,” I whisper.

“No, it’s not,” Anson says, placing his donut onto his plate. “I spent the entire time hunting with my pack back home and there were so many times that I picked up the phone to call, but I just couldn’t…” he trails off. And I don’t like the distant look that grows in his stormy eyes.

“Why couldn’t you?” I ask.

Sighing, Anson looks at me before speaking. “You gained powers that were almost unheard of. You almost died and then saved a group of missing students. There was so much you needed to comprehend and discover that I didn’t want to bother you or cause your focus to be on anything but you,” he explained, looking down when he was finished.

“I appreciate that, but I would have also liked to hear from you,” I admitted. “Anyway, we are here now, so we can catch up,” I added, trying to lighten the mood.

A small smile appears on Anson’s face and he instantly starts talking about hunting with his pack and how he enjoyed spending his days and nights outside in the elements and not confined indoors. The way he described the terrain and the bonds of his pack almost made me jealous that I hadn’t had the same experience.

As I listen, I can’t help but think about the night before, the fear I had felt still lingers. Having the world and Anson torn away from me and then the chilling whispers of the mysterious woman still affects me. I consider telling Anson about the nightmare, but I feel like I’m clinging on to a false hope that maybe, just maybe, it was nothing more than a haunting dream. The logical side of me screams that I’m so very wrong and that along with Candi’s news, this has to be a sign of things to come.

After everything Anson and I have been through, it feels wrong to keep this from him. But is it right to share this knowledge, to potentially turn our world upside down? I don’t have anything but a dream — which occurs far too frequently, and Candi’s information. Would it be better for everyone else if I just kept it to myself?

Anson frowns and I realize that my mind has trailed off and my face must be showcasing my own worries. Leaning back in his seat, he crosses his muscular arms across his chest and gives me a knowing look.

“Alright, what’s wrong? I know that look,” he pokes.

I wish that I could hide my emotions, but unfortunately, my face always gives me away. The night before engulfs me like a smothering fog, trapping me in its mental grasp and threatening to suffocate me. The dream,no this was more than just one of my daunting dreams. This was a nightmare in true form. Knowing that I can't control when they attack, seeps into my consciousness. Biting my lip, I stare back at Anson as he watches me with concern etched across his face.

There is so much to tell him and I have no idea where to start. I literally just got here and while I would love nothing more than to hang out with Anson and get back into the groove of our new relationship — or talk about whether we even still have a relationship — I know that I need to explain what is haunting me.

He lifts his large hand and places it over mine. It’s a small gesture, but it means so much to me and gives me the courage I need to begin sharing. “Farrah, just, take a deep breath and talk to me.”

Closing my eyes, I take a deep, steady breath to calm my own nerves before opening my mouth and spewing word vomit. “I… I had a dream last night. Well, it wasn’t just a dream. This was so real, I swear I was really in it and experiencing it. You were there, too, but you were taken away by a huge storm. Then last night, Candi told me that she went and met with a Gullah and they gave her a warning about me. A prophecy of sorts.”

Exhaling, I hang my head as I feel the weight of that information leave my body, only for a new weight of unease to replace it. Anson looks back at me, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging down to the floor.

“Wait, what?” he says, shaking his head in confusion. “We have to break this down, you just threw a lot of information at me.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, feeling guilty for burdening him with all of this.

Squeezing my hand, Anson forces me to look at him. “Don’t be sorry. I’m your boyfriend, this is my job to know what exactly is happening in your life. Especially, when it involves dangerous issues,” he explains.

Though I’m nervous and uneasy, my heart flutters when he calls himself my boyfriend. I guess I got my answer about where our relationship stands. A small smile creeps over my face and I feel my cheeks warm. I need to focus on the real issue here and not let my giddy self take over.

“I don’t even know if my dream or Candi’s warning means anything. I mean, it is a big coincidence that I had that strange nightmare and then Candi told me her news, but still, this all feels like a lot all at once,” I reply, trying to convince Anson, and myself, that this isn’t another Supernatural disaster.