Page 34 of Curse of the Shadow

The air crackles with electricity, like a menacing aura of impending doom, creating static electricity before a storm. An eerie stillness falls over us, as if a million eyes were watching in anticipation of something unknown. We can almost feel the sparks of electricity dancing around us, the heavy atmosphere pressing down on us like a physical force. With each breath I take, it feels like the very molecules in the atmosphere are shaking, vibrating with an invisible energy that fills my lungs with every breath.

A chill runs down my spine as I approach the treeline, as if every step brings me closer to something dark and sinister. The air smells of death and destruction, a warning of what lurks inside the forest. The shadows cast by the trees seem to shift of their own accord, and I can feel something watching me from deep within the forest. I hear a twig snap ominously, and my skin crawls with fear.

“They are near,” Candi warns, her voice shaking with trepidation.

Everyone stops moving at the sound of Candi’s forewarning. My eyes scan the area, my magical senses on high alert. A cackling laugh echoes around us and my head swivels, trying to follow the traveling of the sound.

Holding up my hand, I motion for everyone to wait until I signal to continue. I still feel strange being in charge and have no idea why they have so much faith in me, but I am calling on all of my power to get us through this. I’ve never been one to want to be in the spotlight or have others look to me for answers. I’ve always enjoyed being in the shadows, but now, I have no choice but to step up to the forefront and take my place as a leader.

Turning, I make eye contact with everyone behind me. “Is everyone ready?” I ask quietly, but still, I feel my voice ringing out all around them.

I see all hands slowly go up, as proud smiles fill their faces. Now is the time to show not only myself, but the world who I am.

Watch out evil, I’m ready to take you down.