Page 31 of Curse of the Shadow

“No way,” Leo answered. “The rogue Supernaturals won’t go easy on her. She has to be ready for anything.”

As much as I hated it, Leo was right. This was going to be painful, but I needed to train.

“Let’s keep going. I need to do this,” I called out.

Everyone moved back to their spots, and Anson grumbled as he went back to stand against the far wall.

Jax opened his mouth and shared more insightful tips. “Farrah, you will have to think fast and be ready for them to attack at every angle. They will fly and go all around you. Keep your eyes open, but more importantly, you need to remain calm so that your senses are heightened and you can anticipate an attack before it comes. Your Seer magic will guide you through that.”

“Ok, I can try,” I replied, hoping that I would be able to remember all of the advice I had been given.

Leo moved to stand a few feet away and as he began, I saw his magic grow like a terrible storm cloud. Jax and Luke, who I didn’t even know had arrived, both ran toward me from different angles. My heart began to race as I moved back and threw my hands in the air. Something stirred deep inside of me, telling me that I couldn’t just run from the magic or offenders. I needed to use my magic. Now!

Closing my eyes, I searched my soul for the magic that flowed through my veins. I came from a long line of powerful Witches and I needed to find the source of my magical strength. A slight buzzing began to vibrate through my body and as I opened my eyes, I felt a surge of power humming from my fingers down to my toes. Raising my arms, I called for the magic to protect me. A flash of blue light zapped from my fingers, bringing a howling wind that caused Jax and Luke to stumble back. They tried to fight against the powerful air, but it was no use. Their feet slid against the wood floor, making a stomach churning screech. Leo fought on, not seeming to notice the chilling winds. He slashed at the shield of magic with fire hot enough to melt steel. I felt the heat against my skin as I called on more magic to arise. Another flash of light, this one a bright green, struck against Leo’s wand, knocking it right out of his hands.

Everything around me stopped, and silence filled the once loud and chaotic air. It took me a moment to understand that I had not only fought off Jax and Luke, but I had used my magic to knock the wand right out of Leo’s hand.

“Wow, that was incredible,” Anson shouted, clapping his hands wildly as he ran over to me.

“Farrah, you did it. You called on your magic!” Candi cheered, as Violet and Leo smiled fondly.

“I am very proud of you,” Professor Alken noted. “The Headmaster will be exceptionally happy to hear this. I am meeting with her right after this to work on our spells.”

“You managed to stop us and that rarely ever happens,” Luke said, as Jax agreed.

Pulling me in for a hug, Anson held me tightly against his chest. “I’m so proud of you. I told you that you were amazing.”

“I have no idea how I did it, but it felt beyond incredible– like I was finally in tune with my ancestry and magic,” I described, my smile stretching clear across my face.

The gym doors opened, and the detectives walked inside. The air around me grew heavy and my stomach dropped as I took in their grim expressions. No one else seemed to notice as they were all too busy celebrating what had just happened. However, it was when Detective Sparks held up a photo and cleared her throat, that the room grew silent and I knew our happiness was about to come to an abrupt halt.

Chapter 23

Theairintheroom turns thick and heavy, and an eerie silence falls over all of us as a chill runs down everyone's spine. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as if something dark and dreadful is lurking just outside the door.

I can’t help but think to myself, not again.

Please, not again.

“I’m sorry to interrupt this celebration, but we need to speak with you all immediately,” Detective Sparks says.

A sinking feeling grows deep in my belly as I take in the grim expression staring back at me. As dread consumes me, I walk the short distance to where Detective Sparks stands at the entrance to the gym.

Detective Jameson eyes me carefully before nodding toward the rest of the group. “Headmaster Patricia is waiting for us,” he states.

“What’s going on?” Anson asks skeptically.

Leo approaches, tucking his wand in his jacket pocket. “I was supposed to meet with the Headmaster after this training session,” he began, but Detective Sparks stopped him.

“Leo, the professors you were going to work with on developing a spell are still waiting on you, but right now, we have a more pressing matter,” Detective Sparks replied.

“There’s another body, isn’t there?” I asked, fearing I already knew the answer.

It was the empathetic look Detective Sparks gave me that let me know the answer I dreaded the most.

Like a somber funeral walk, I followed the detectives to the main hall where Headmaster Patricia was already waiting for us. When she spotted us approaching, I saw her purse her lips and a look of sadness spark in her eyes. She looked tired, worn down by the tragic events plaguing the school. I hated seeing such a strong and powerful woman so down. The halls were silent, save for the sounds of our heavy footsteps on the marble floors. As we walked, I noticed that we were heading for the main entrance of the academy.

“Where are we going?” I asked, my voice shaking.