Page 29 of Curse of the Shadow

Knowing there wouldn’t be an easy way to find the answers we so desperately sought, we decided to head back to the library and begin researching there. Unfortunately, Shadow Legacy Academy didn’t believe in putting their precious magic books on an online platform. So, anything we needed to research, we had to do in a physical book.

Sitting in the library, a loud yawn escaped my lips. Ever since we had arrived back from the Gullahs, we had gone straight to work. We were running on shared time and I wasn’t going to waste a second of it.

“Maybe you should go rest,” Anson said, patting my back.

Shaking my head, I walked like a zombie to the next section of books. The gem was still tucked away in my pocket— a constant reminder of my mission. “No, I can’t rest until I find the spell. The Headmaster and our professors are helping the patrol teams tonight. Everyone is working and so will I,” I said through another yawn.

Candi snored at the table behind me. She had fallen asleep around an hour ago and I didn’t have the heart to wake her. She needed to rest. Honestly, we all did, but after my encounter with the Vampire stranger and with little fuel in my belly, I was ready to keep working. I had no idea what time it was exactly, but I knew it was late. Or maybe early. Who knows?

I search the library for books on magic gemstones. The hallway is lined with shelves and they are so close together that I have to stoop over to read the titles. These books have been here for decades, if not centuries, and none of their information is going to do me any good tonight. The tomes themselves are heavy, and some are bound in rich leather, opened by clasps of tarnished gold. This would all be so beautiful if they didn’t hold evil magic stories and tales of death and destruction.

“Maybe we should just go get some sleep and then start back in the morning,” Anson yawned, as he looked around at our weary friends.

“You all can go rest. I need to find answers,” I argued.

Huffing, Anson followed me as I continued looking through the books. I had no idea what I was looking for, but I just hoped that when I found it, I would know.

Anson leans over me, reading along with me. Suddenly, something pops out and I begin reading aloud.

“The ruby gemstone holds an elusive power that can only be unlocked by that of a strong Seer. With the moon at midnight and a spell to end the curse of the shadows, only then can a Seer unlock its magic to protect her powers from being taken.”

As I read the words, something deep inside of me stirred. It was a fabulous feeling that seemed to ignite my heart.

A picture on the next page displayed an illustration of what looked exactly like my gemstone.

“This has to be it,” Anson said loudly, causing Candi to stir next to me.

“Hush, I don’t want to wake her,” I whispered to him.

“We need to go tell the others,” Anson said, standing tall and proud. “You have done it again, Farrah. Just when we felt like doom was upon us, you find a way to instill our faith in magic again.” He stared at me triumphantly and with so much love and admiration, it caused my cheeks to flush a deep red.

“We aren’t out of the woods just yet,” I reminded him. “We have to find a way to create this spell,” I finished, pointing back at the page of information.

Pulling out his cell phone, Anson sent a text and then smiled down at me. “I just alerted Leo, Headmaster Patricia, Professor Alken of what you found.”

“Wow, that was fast,” I teased.

Taking my hand, Anson pulled me to my feet. Looking deep into my eyes, he placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Farrah, I love you more than you will ever know. Fighting evil and saving your magical community is what you were born to do. It is your destiny. But for me, you are my now and my future. I need us to end this curse and war now so we can start our own life together.”

His words seemed to sing to my heart as it began to flutter wildly in my chest. I wasn’t sure how anyone could say such sweet things, but Anson always found a way to not only make me feel seen, heard, and valued, but loved and admired, too.

“I want that more than anything. Not just ending the war with the evil rogue Supernaturals, but to finally get a chance to just have a life with us. Together,” I agreed, kissing him back.

A heavy pounding broke our trance as Leo burst through the library doors. A wicked smile was plastered across his face as he held up his wand and announced. “Get ready everyone, we are about to shake up the world of evil.”

Chapter 22

“Areyousurethisis necessary?”

Anson adds another layer of padding to my shoulders and arms and then takes a step back, marveling at his work. When I was informed that we would be training in the state-of-the-art gym, I was hesitant at first.

Candi rolls her eyes as Leo can’t help but let out a deep belly laugh.

“If you are going to fight and learn how to call on your powers, you will need to be prepared,” Anson says, giving our friends deadly stares.

“Anson, you know I wouldn’t normally argue with your decisions or techniques, but don’t you think this is a little much?” Leo asks, waving his hands toward me.

With threats looming all around us and the detectives working overtime to solve their cases, the academy had decided that we all needed to train to be better prepared in case the rogue Supernaturals stormed the school or if we had to battle them on any other occasion. Anson was taking this all very seriously and right now, I was regretting my decision to allow him to train me. Our professors would be arriving soon, but he wanted to ensure I was protected.