Page 28 of Curse of the Shadow

“Maybe it was trying to warn you,” Candi said. “He knew that you would be here. This wasn’t just some coincidence. They know so much about you and your ancestry and who you are, Farrah,” Candi cries out.

“Possibly, but then why didn’t he try and attack Farrah? I mean, if the gem was warning her, and an entire group of rogue, evil Supernaturals are trying to get to Farrah, that would mean he was a threat,” Violet stated.

“Either way, he creeped me out. Let’s just go,” I cried out.

“Fine with me, but we should all agree on one thing,” Anson began, “we don’t say anything about this to the Headmaster or anyone else. If Headmaster Patricia gets wind of what just went down here, she will never let us leave campus again,” he finished, nodding his head.

“Agreed,” Candi, Violet, and I said at once.

Anson started the engine, throwing my bag of food into my lap. As we drove back to the academy, we quietly ate our food. My coffee had been long forgotten, as it lay spilled on the sidewalk far behind us now.

The images that still played through my mind put me into a frenzy. I had to know why I saw those images and what exactly was happening to me.

Chapter 20

WearrivedbackatShadow Legacy Academy with thirty minutes to spare.

With the gem tucked closely inside my jeans pocket, I ran into the school as I prepared to tell the Headmaster what we had discovered — save for the strange Vampire encounter that is.

The team, along with Headmaster Patricia, stood in the foyer as we all rushed through the large wooden doors.

“I am happy to see that you all made it back safely and on time,” the Headmaster announced, a look of relief washing over her features.

Candi, Violet, Anson, and I shared a knowing glance, but we kept our secret safe within ourselves.

“Yes, but I am afraid if we don’t act now, it will be too late,” I rushed out, trying to catch my breath.

“What are you talking about?” Jax asked.

Professor Alken stepped forward with a grim look making me wary. “I was afraid of this,” he stated, shaking his head.

“Will someone please explain what is going on?” Luke shouted, throwing his hands up in the air.

Nudging me out of the way, Violet moved to the center of the space and began to speak. “When we first arrived here, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I mean, sure, they had fought off the Dark Magic Witch, but with Farrah being new to her Fae and Seer powers, I didn’t think they would be able to help at all.” She stopped, spinning on her heel to face me. The quick and sudden movement had me almost jumping out of my own skin. “The rogues won’t stop killing humans and coming for Farrah until they get her. They have called on Shadow Demon’s to help them. We have the knowledge to stop them, so now we just need the magic to finish the plan,” she added with finality.

More confused now than ever before I just stared back at her. Her backhanded compliment was nice, but I wasn’t sure what plan she had come up with since we left the Gullah’s house.

Sensing my unease, Anson challenged Violet. “Can you share this plan with the rest of us? I’m getting really tired of you acting as though you are in charge around here. This is our school and we are the ones who have given you all the leads and information you sought. Farrah is the one now with the gem and the ability to stop this. So tell me, Violet, what is your plan?” he growled out.

Glaring, Violet pursed her lips as everyone around us stood stupefied at the scene before them. “My plan is…” she stopped and a devilish smirk crossed her face. This wasn’t good at all. “My plan is to lure these rogues out and end this with magic. Farrah, you are the only one now that can stop them. I had heard stories growing up about the elusive Witch who had Fae and Seer powers, but never had I met one until you. We need to start immediately.”

Holding her hands up in the air, Headmaster Patricia cleared her throat. “We are all well aware that these are dire times, but it is up to Farrah herself to decide if she is ready to call upon her powers. We haven’t had such a powerful being in our presence since her great-great grandmother. She saved us once before, but this is asking her to risk her life.” Her words hung heavy in the air and she paused, watching all of our reactions. “We are not prepared to fight a Shadow Demon, I am so sorry.” Hanging her head, I could see the pain reflecting from her.

Everyone stared at me, waiting on bated breath for me to say something.


I hated knowing that the fate of the entire Supernatural world rested on my shoulders. In a time when I should be worrying about school work and grades, I was deciding if I wanted to risk my life for the good of my community. I needed grace, but there wasn’t time for me to find the comfort I needed. Evil doesn’t wait around and neither will I.

Exhaling a deep breath, I stood tall and proud. “Ready or not, I am prepared to do whatever it takes to save us all. If this is my fate, I want my legacy to be one of pride and bravery. I will just have to prepare myself for a Shadow Demon.”

A collection of gasps, cheers, and clapping echoed around me and I realized in that moment that I was about to change the course of my life and everyone around me for good.

Chapter 21

Fearcanoverwhelmyou,rendering your body and mind helpless. You find yourself doing things that are inexplicable and bizarre, as if possessed by some unknown force. Each day becomes a wild frenzy of dark thoughts, pushing you to do unthinkable things that you thought were only found in horror movies.

For me, fear has been my motivator — the force that keeps me going and pushes me to find the bravery that hides deep down inside of me.