Page 27 of Curse of the Shadow

“I could eat, too,” Violet piped in.

Sighing, Anson’s hand on the steering wheel tightened and his knuckles went white. “Fine, but only for a second. Just grab something fast,” he stated.

Candi smiled and clapped as she began directing him where to go. We found a small cafe located right off the main road. A red and white awning hung above a glass door with the name, The Daily Grind.

“How do you know about this place? It looks cute,” I admired from outside.

“My family and I have come here a few times. They always have the best treats, though I don’t know how good they will be now since it is so late,” she said, her smile starting to waver.

“I don’t care what it tastes like, I’m starving,” I laughed.

Parking near a small alleyway, we all got out of the vehicle and made our way inside the cafe. Anson continued glancing around, as though he expected someone to jump out of the shadows and attack us. His unease made me wary, but I chose to ignore that thought and continue on my journey for food.

The air was chilly, but there was still a heavy humidness that clung to your skin. We walked into the cafe, and the sweet notes of vanilla and chocolate hung in the air like a soft curtain. My mouth began watering as a display case came into view displaying sweet treats and sandwiches. It was a little cluttered with antique tables and chairs set up in front of the window and on the red checkered floor. There were stacks of napkins on every table, next to some silverware under tarnished glass domes. An ancient cash register sat in front of a glass display case full of pies.

“Go order your food and meet me back here in five minutes,” Anson stated, standing guard at the door.

Candi, Violet, and I walked up to the counter and began inspecting the menu where it had three different kinds of pastries set out in pretty glass containers. We each ordered a turkey club sandwich, the last three chocolate chip cookies, and coffees. Once we paid, we walked back outside into the night air, our food clutched in our hands. Just as we turned the corner, a man appeared out from the shadows of the alleyway. Before I had time to stop, I ran right into his cold, hard chest.

Dropping my bag of food, I stumbled until the man grabbed my hand and stopped me from falling backward. Anson yelled out my name as Candi screamed.

As his cold hand touched mine, a flash of white light blinded my vision. Images of death, crimson blood, bodies lying in fields, and sounds of tortured screams echoed through my mind like a movie.

Releasing his hold on me, the man took a step back and my vision cleared as my chest heaved from the breath I had been holding. Catching my breath, I looked up into the pale face of the man, whose eyes shone back at me and were the color of blood.

“I am so sorry miss, I didn’t see you there,” he stated, his thick southern accent smooth like velvet.

Lunging in front of me, Ansons’ face contorted into a vicious sneer as he stood between me and the man. Only, I knew this wasn’t just any man.

“What are you doing?” Anson asked, ready to fight. With the news of the Shadow Demon now playing in my mind, I knew that Anson was even more on guard than usual. I saw his eyes dance around the area, looking for something to come jumping out of the shadows.

The man looked between the two of us before smiling and revealing a set of pearly white teeth. “My apologies. I was just out and not paying attention to where I was walking. It would have been awful if something had happened to this dear, sweet girl,” he said, though I heard the malice lacing his words.

The gem in my pocket burned against the fabric of my jeans, causing me to wince from the pain.

“We need to leave. Now,” I urged, taking a step back. I kept checking my surroundings, waiting for something else to jump out and scare us.

“Are you ok?” Anson asked, his voice heavy. His body shook with absolute rage and I feared his wolf may appear right here on the street corner.

“I… I don’t know. When he touched me, I had visions, but they were moving so fast, I could barely see,” I whispered.

The man let out a slight laugh as he studied me carefully. Violet was already moving toward us, Candi hot on her heels.

“If you are threatening her…” Anson began, but the stranger stopped him.

Shaking his long, black hair, he said, “Don’t worry, I’m not the one who you need to fear. Just yet. Be careful, the shadows are filled with cursed beings who would love to find you unprotected,” he stated, before turning and disappearing like a streak of lightning.

Perplexed, we all stood there briefly, our eyes searching the black night for a trace of the stranger or anymore unwelcomed people we may just bump into.

“This is why I didn’t want to stop. He could have killed you,” Anson yelled, picking up my bag from the sidewalk and pulling me toward the SUV.

I didn’t dare argue this time. Violet and Candi followed suit, and as we all piled back inside the SUV, Candi turned to me and asked, “Who was that?”

“I have no idea, but I believe he is a Vampire,” I said, my voice low in the quiet darkness of the vehicle.

“He was alone, so he must not be working with the rogue’s,” Violet said, though she wouldn’t stop looking outside, like she expected the man to show up again.

“I agree, he could have easily attacked me, but he didn’t. However, the gem burned in my pocket when he was near,” I added, though I wasn’t sure what any of this meant.