Page 25 of Curse of the Shadow

Wedroveoutintothe wilderness; the night bounding away from us and pulling us along. A sense of foreboding floated through the air; the dirt road rolled on and we followed it. We turned off onto a one-lane road that wound ever deeper into the country outside of Charleston.

Our magical academy was tucked away in the outskirts of Charleston, hidden among the countryside, marshes, and deep forests.

“Where exactly are we going?” Violet asked from the back seat.

She wasn’t happy about riding in the back of the academy’s midnight black SUV. Candi was driving and Anson was in the front passenger seat helping with directions and keeping an eye out for any lurking danger. Violet and I sat pressed against our individual doors, not daring to sit close to one another.

“We are heading into the deep country,” Candi sighed.

“Are we even in Charleston anymore?” Violet asks, watching out her window.

“Close enough,” I snap, ready for her to stop asking questions. “We have to go to Mt. Pleasant, that’s where she lives.”

The SUV cruised down the winding roads that led deeper into the heart of the low country, leaving the busy and familiar main roads behind and now traveling down winding narrow roads that snake through the country. The thick canopy loomed overhead stretched far and wide, an unbroken line of massive oak trees with delicate branches reaching out like emerald fingers.

As we drove further, we passed by a long-forgotten manor that had once stood grand and proud, now buried under a mound of soil and centuries-old vines. The air was thick with the scent of blooming lilies and honeysuckles, adding to the serenity of the isolated road.

With a sudden turn off the paved road, gravel crunched under our tires as we journeyed through rugged terrain. In the distance, the sun began its descent beyond the horizon awash in purples, pinks, and oranges. A symphony of chirping crickets and croaking frogs serenades us as night arrives from all sides at once. We're enveloped in this elemental shift, feeling a sense of both wonder and unease.

The small cabin comes into view and I sigh from the memory of being here not that long ago. It is stacked high above the marshy ground and seems to be illuminated by the glowing silver moonlight. I go to open the door, but Anson pauses and I stop moving.

“We need to remember that we are on a time limit here. We need to ask her about the warning and if she has heard anything about the murders,” Anson explains.

“I already know,” Violet says, opening her door.

We all follow suit and as my black Converse sneakers splash through the damp grass, I can’t help but look around as we move to the cabin. The darkness of the night seems to make the shadows around me dance as though they are alive. It’s eerie to wonder what could be lurking around me, but I can’t let myself get caught up in fear. We have to get answers tonight.

A hoarse voice stops us in our tracks once we step onto the creaking porch, the glowing yellow sconces burning brightly before us. “I wondered if you would return,” the Gullah spoke, her white eyes looking at Candi.

“Hello, Cecilia,” Candi greets the woman, offering a smile.

Cecilia motions for us to follow her inside, and I take a moment to admire how striking her yellow dress looks concentrated against her dark skin. We made our way across the wooden floor to a brown leather couch near a stone fireplace. The aroma of cinnamon and spices invaded my senses, and I found this place welcoming yet terrifying all at the same time. Violet looked around the space as the rest of us turned our attention to Cecilia.

“You brought someone new this time,” she remarked, staring at Violet.

I realized then that Cecilia could sense that Violet wasn’t human. Her eyes were narrowed at Violet as she studied her features.

“Violet is a Seraphim, and she is part of a team that our Headmaster called to help protect our academy,” Candi began. We had all agreed on the ride over that Candi should take the lead. She is the one who initially met with the Gullah to receive the dire warning. “The warning you gave me last time, can you explain that further?” Candi questioned.

The woman wrinkled her nose and flattened out a wrinkle in her long dress. “The warning I shared with you was sent to me from a Kraken. The presence or visit from a Kraken is a warning of evil spirits. I’ve only been visited by a Kraken once before and that—”

She paused, shaking her head while wringing her hands in her lap. “Don’t mind what happened before. You are here because the warnings I shared are coming to fruition, am I correct?” she asked, her eyes roaming over all of us.

All we could do was nod. I had read about a Kraken last semester, but I had never seen one in person, and hopefully, I never would.

“Did the Kraken say who exactly was after Farrah?” Anson asked, as he took my hand in his.

Cecilia leaned forward, her old, wary bones aching and smarting from her movements. Her head snapped back in surprise, like she couldn’t believe he was asking such a question. “All are looking for Farrah,” she warned.

“All of what?” I asked, my stomach dropping.

Her eyes burned with intensity and I felt Anson, Candi, and Violet stiffen as Cecilia frowned. “All manner of rogue Supernatural entities are on your trail and hunting for you. Not just you, but your soul. You are aware by now that you are a rare creature. Being an ancestry of the Halliwell Witches as well as having the magic of a Fae and Seer makes you one of the most powerful Supernaturals we have known in our lifetimes. Those that seek to protect our community fear that these beings won’t stop until you are dead. If the evil beings capture your soul, they will be stronger than the rest, which will allow them to control the Supernatural community and threaten to expose all of us to humans.” Her words sent a chill through my spine.

“Charleston is one of the most haunted places in the United States, possibly in the world. Evil beings have been chasing after those that seek to destroy them for centuries. Several spirits once staked a claim of the Old Exchange building in downtown Charleston. Once a popularly and busy market, the Old Exchange hosted meetings and banquets. Many believe that Supernatural meetings were held there before humans learned of their existence. When humans began questioning some of these meetings, the Supernaturals moved their business beneath the building. It is believed that these Supernaturals were evil – once good but turned rogue for their own selfish desires. Other Supernaturals and humans who wronged them, they would chain to the walls of the dungeons they created beneath the building. Most noticeably, dark Magic Witches and Vampires worked together during these meetings. The Witches would curse the humans while the Vampires would feast from their blood until they were drained. The Supernaturals were tortured and forced to go evil and the humans were left for dead. Over time, the space became ridden with nasty diseases from rodents that moved through the area, eating the flesh of the dead. Some people claim that you can hear the terrifying screams of the people who were imprisoned down there. Humans have even reported hearing clinks of chains and ghosts floating through the cells. Krakens, Shifters, and other beasts have been seen in that area, too but I wouldn't know much more than that. I steer clear of places that are haunted and threaten to bring evil to my life,” she finishes, shuddering.

The story floats through my mind and I wonder just how many other places in Charleston have horrific stories like that.

“I had a vision. I saw a Witch and a Vampire,” the words tumbled out of my mouth, like I had no control over what I said. “I know they are coming for me.” I sighed, rubbing my eyes to fight back the tears that now burned.