Page 23 of Curse of the Shadow

Wemanagedtofinishthe meeting without any more outbursts or arguments.

Though I hadn’t wanted to see any of them, I composed myself long enough to hear the detectives share the rest of their findings from the crime scene. Without witnesses, I was their only shot of locating the rogue, evil Supernaturals.

“When will they be here?” I whined, flopping down on my bed.

Anson had sent out a group text for everyone to meet in my dorm room once dinner was over. I was too anxious to eat and my stomach was doing back flips.

“They are on their way. You need to calm down,” Anson said, trying to be comforting.

“I know, but I am just filled with so many emotions. I swear, I feel like I’m either going crazy or my head is going to explode.” Rubbing my temples, I closed my eyes and took in a few calming breaths. My mom had given me some tips on how to manage my stress. She understood how frustrating the academy could be, but I doubted she knew exactly how I was feeling now.

Just then, the door opened, and our gang loudly filed into the room. Candi and Lily moved to sit on their individual beds, while Kindle and Stella sat on the floor, their backs resting against the window. Leo slapped Anson on the back and leaned against the wall as he closed the door behind him.

“Let’s hear it. What new dangers are we looking for now?” Stella asked, her tone harsh.

Sighing, I decided to take the lead this time. Part of this was due to me, so I needed to be the one to share the news. “I met with the other patrol team and the detectives. I am only telling you all this because I trust you all more than anything. They wanted me to view more photos from the latest crime scene. This time, I had another vision, and I learned that a Vampire was involved in that murder.” I paused as a few gasps echoed around me. “The entire school knows that I am the biggest threat. And, there was a moment when I wanted to leave the academy to keep you all safe,” I started to say more, but Leo cut me off.

“No way! We are a team and we stick together,” Leo shouted.

“You saved me when it felt like everyone else had given up hope,” Lily stated.

“You risked everything to save this school. Now it’s our turn to do the same for you,” Candi said through a smile.

My heart swelled with pride at how my friends were showing their support for me. I never imagined that I would find this type of friendship.

Kindle and Stella watched Anson carefully, but he never changed his stoic expression.

“I’m not leaving. While I don’t like that my being here is driving more danger to the academy and innocent humans, I know that running away isn’t the answer either. What I need from you all is guidance and help. We need to work together to figure out where the rogue’s are and be prepared to battle if and when they show up here. I know Headmaster Patricia already said most of that, but we are different. We are strong and have been through more than anyone else at this school has. Besides, who knows who will be left now that the option to leave the academy is in place,” I finished, glancing around the room.

“I saw several students carrying suitcases down the main stairs,” Lily said solemnly. “My parents want me to leave, too.”

I saw pain flash in Candi’s eyes, but she didn’t say anything. Lily had gone through enough and I wouldn’t blame her if she decided to leave.

“We need to go back and visit the Gullah again,” Candi stated flatly. “We need to ask her more about the warning and if she knows anything else.”

Nodding, I take a deep breath. “I agree. We can’t wait around for them to come to us or for them to hurt any more humans.”

“When do you want to go?” Anson asks, speaking for the first time since everyone arrived.

“I think we should go tonight,” I professed.

Everyone nodded in agreement. There was a heavy silence hanging in the air. While we were all prepared to fight for our school and each other, the unknown threats lurking in the shadows created a sense of trepidation and fear that couldn’t be masked. Like it or not, tonight we would venture outside of the academy and into the threat of the unknown world.

Chapter 17

“Absolutelynot.Thisisn’tsafe,” Headmaster Patricia grimaced, as we all stood around her.

After we decided that we needed to go visit the Gullah again, we all made our way to the Headmaster’s office. To say she wasn’t happy to see us, was an understatement. She had been stressed to the max lately, and for good reason.

“We have to do this. It may be our only way to get real answers,” I argued.

I felt terrible for disrespecting the Headmaster, but this was a dire time and I needed to do everything I could.

Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she paced around her office, moving so fast, my eyes could barely keep up with her.

“You all know how dangerous this is for Farrah. She shouldn’t leave the academy. My ward won’t follow her off of the property,” she warned.

“We will all be there in case anything happens,” Anson said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.