Page 20 of Curse of the Shadow

My heart thundered in my chest at the sight of Anson like that. Sliding back into my seat, my eyes glanced between the Headmaster who was slowly making her way back to the stage, and Anson who remained frozen.

“I will not tolerate insubordination from my students, regardless of the status they hold. Now, I will continue and I expect to have your full attention,” Headmaster Patricia shouted. Not a soul dared to move or even breathe loudly. I couldn’t believe she was leaving these guys —animals — frozen in mid-air as she continued her speech. “First, Anson and Malick are fine. I have cast a spell to keep their bodies still, but their minds are still with us.” So, that was the mountain lion’s name, Malick. “Beside me, is a team that will continue to patrol our academy and help the Supernatural detectives with their investigations. I will tell you that we have learned that rogue Supernaturals have been influenced by the Dark Magic Witch and her coven. Now that the Dark Magic Witch is gone, her coven and the rogues want to gain more power. They have begun killing humans to gain power and to entice us to attack and intervene. In dire times such as these, we must remain calm and remember who we are. Fighting among ourselves will only hinder our goals. Your guardians have been informed, as Mavis stated earlier. Now, I will leave it up to each of you on what you decide to do next. You can remain at the academy, continue your courses, and learn new fighting tactics. Or, you can return home and find protection among your covens and packs. If you decide to leave, you will be able to make up your courses when you return once the threat is over. You have until the end of today to make a decision.”

When she stopped speaking, I released a breath that I didn’t realize I had been holding. The team approached the podium and Headmaster Patricia moved to the side, giving them their space in the front. Professor Alken stood tall and firm as he looked out over the crowd of students. His eyes momentarily landed on Anson and Malick levitating in the air before he began speaking. “Students, I have had the pleasure of meeting several of you first-year students. For those of you who don’t know, I am Professor Alken and I am teaching advanced courses at the academy. While my initial role here is an instructor, I was brought here by Headmaster Patricia as the lead of a patrol team from a California academy. My team consists of Luke who is a strong Watcher, who will help keep an eye out on students here.” Luke stepped up as a dim spotlight focused on him. Next, Jax moved up as he nodded at the professor. “Jax is a Reaper, born from pure Reaper bloodlines. His role will be to remove the deceased and prevent future deaths of humans and Supernaturals.” Finally, Violet stepped up, offering a sinister smile as she did. I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at her arrogance. It just seemed to flow off of her in waves. “Violet is a Seraphim, she has pure abilities to heal those of you who may find yourselves injured during battle. This team and I are not here to take over the already established patrol and safety team put in place. We are merely an extension of that and want to offer our services. The Supernatural community is small and we have to watch out for our own. If humans are alerted to us or harmed, it is our responsibility to stop those evil beings that create the conflict. I can assure you all that we are here to help and guide those of you who decide to remain and help us fight and win this battle.”

An eruption of cheers began to spread around the auditorium. I could feel the angst being relieved and a newfound emotion of pride and excitement. While none of this was ideal, it was evident that many of the students were prepared to stop those that wanted to destroy us and that included me as well. Students clapped as the team stood proudly on the stage. Headmaster Patricia released the students back to their classes, but Candi and I remained to see what would happen to Anson and Malick. Once all of the students had filed out of the room, save for the team and detectives, The Headmaster glided over to the boys, her lips pursed in a tight line. Her robes flowed behind her like an invisible wind was carrying them. She was so regal and majestic that sometimes, I couldn’t help but be entranced by her presence.

Tsking, she shook her head as she stared in disapproval at the boys. I waited with bated breath for her to do or say anything else. Finally, she raised her hands and chanted something that I couldn’t quite hear and then the boys fell from the air, landing on all fours on the hard floor.

Rushing over to Anson, I checked to see if he was injured, but as he looked up at me, I realized he was fine. Malick was already beginning his shift back into his human form, cursing up a storm in the process.

“Boys, let this be a lesson to you both. Violence among your peers will not be tolerated. If this happens again, you both will be expelled,” she announced, before turning on her heel and disappearing from the room.

Literally disappearing into thin air.

“Anson, are you ok?” Candi asked, her worried expression telling me that she could read his emotions and they weren’t good.

“I’m fine but I need to go hunt and patrol before I explode.” Turning to me, Anson seemed to look sad, even though his wolf couldn’t form a frown. “Farrah, I will come and find you later once I calm down and do my rounds.”

“Ok, just be careful. I’m here if you need me,” I remind him.

Anson runs on all fours toward the exit and Candi and I watch as he retreats. Malick slowly walks away, embarrassment reddening his cheeks.

“Well, I guess we better get back to class,” Candi sighs.

It still seems crazy to me that students can shift into wild animals, our Headmaster can use magic to freeze students in mid-air, and then we are supposed to return to class like nothing had happened. Oh, and try not to think about the looming war and dangers lurking just outside our school.

As we start to head back to class, I hear my name being called and all I can do is close my eyes and curse under my breath.

Chapter 14

“Farrah,weneedtotalk with you,” Detective Sparks yells.

She jogs to catch up with me as I stop in the hallway. My stomach drops as I realize while everyone else may be going back to class, I have a strong feeling that I won’t be going, too.

“I was supposed to be going to class,” I say, hoping she will just let me go.

“I have talked with the Headmaster and explained that I spoke with you earlier. I just need to talk with you briefly and then you can return to class,” she says, though I can tell I don’t really have a choice in this matter.

Candi leans in and offers me a hug. “I will see you later, Farrah. Text me when you are done,” she adds, before leaving me alone with the detective.

“Let’s go to the conference room,” she states, and then starts walking.

I rush to keep up with her, though I am in no hurry to talk. As we make our way, I can’t help but wonder which students will make the decision to leave. I guess I will find out soon enough.

When we enter the room, I groan in protest when I find Detective Jameson, Violet, Luke, and Jax all sitting around the large table. Violet smiles at my dismay while the others don’t really look up to greet me.

“Shouldn’t they be in class? Or, at least out on patrol with Anson? Where is Professor Alken?” I ask, hoping this is just a misunderstanding as the others will be on their way.

“Don’t get yourself all worked up,” Jax says, an irritating smile covering his face. “We are only here for a few minutes and then we will be joining your boyfriend.”

“Let’s try to be civil,” Detective Sparks snaps, slamming her files on the table. “You all are strong Supernaturals at an elite academy. Try and act like it,” she reprimands.

“We apologize for the poor behaviors shown,” Luke says. “We will all maintain our focus from now on.” He scowls at his friends and they ignore him.

Sighing, I sit down in one of the chairs and fold my hands in my lap.

“Farrah, we have some new evidence we wanted to present to you. I have asked this team to be here because they have seen something similar to this before,” Detective Jameson says, opening Spark’s files and pulling out some images.