Page 17 of Curse of the Shadow

It’s the woman from my dream and she is dragging the crying girl.

“Why are you doing this?” the girl asks, though her words are broken by her sobs.

“You defied me. I told you, once I granted the magic, you had to tell me where to find the others,” the evil woman roars.

Shaking her head, the girl continues to try and fight her way out of the woman’s hold, but it’s no use.

“I don’t know who you are talking about. My friends and I just wanted to have our fortunes read. It was just a joke, we didn’t think you were serious,” the girl screams.

The woman throws her to the ground, her body rolling into the water and splashing. I can hear alligators and other wildlife lurking all around me, growling and screeching at the commotion in their home.

The woman lifts her hands, and then a blazing light shoots from her fingertips. The power hits the young girl, causing her body to convulse and shake before going limp in the water. I slam my hand over my mouth, trying to stifle a scream at the horror of what I just witnessed.

The evil woman slowly turns her head to me and says, “be careful, you never know who will be next,” she warns.

I slowly open my eyes and notice I am no longer sitting in the chair, but lying on the cold, cement floor of the conference room. Everyone stands all around me, looking down at me with horrified faces.

“Are you alright?” Anson asks, as he takes my hand in his.

“I don’t know,” I whisper, fighting back tears.

“What did you see?” Detective Jameson asks, his pen and notepad ready for my answer.

“Let’s ensure Farrah is ok before we continue questioning,” Headmaster Patricia interrupts.

Anson helps me to my wobbly feet and I fall back into the chair again.

Catching my breath, I rub my aching head. “I was in the photo,” I say, closing my eyes so I don’t have to see the images again.

“What does that mean?” Violet asks, sitting back in her chair.

“Wait, like you had a real Seer moment?” Luke asks, clapping his hands in excitement.

I’m glad they are so happy about this, but I almost died in there and this is my life.

Rubbing my arm, Anson reminds me that he is there for me, like always.

Headmaster Patricia takes the seat next to me and turns to face me. “Farrah, it is very important that you tell us what you saw. I know this may be difficult, but it has been decades since we have had a Seer at our school. If you saw anything that could lead us to answers, we need to find them,” she said, placing her hand on top of mine.

“Was it like the last time in the forest, or your dream?” Anson asked, his voice calm and soothing. I wished more than anything that I could bottle up how he made me feel so that I could use his essence to calm my nerves.

“You were screaming and convulsing on the floor,” Anson says, his eyes filled with concern. Turning to the rest of the group, he yelled, “I think this is enough for today.”

“No,” I argued, shaking my head in defiance. “I’m fine. I need to explain what just happened or at least try to.”

“Please, tell us what you saw, Farrah,” Detective Sparks asked.

As everyone around me began to calm down, I described everything I had witnessed in my vision. As I spoke, their eyes bulged and every so often, they would glance around the room at one another. When I finished, I felt exhausted from reliving the moment again.

“This is truly incredible,” Jax sighed in awe.

“Farrah, have you managed to fly yet? As a Fae, that is one gift that could be incredibly helpful,” Luke chimed in.

I felt defeated as I answered. “I haven’t flown on my own yet, but that is something I can work on.”

“She can’t fly yet? What can she do other than see people being killed?” Violet intoned, her voice snarky and causing me to snap my head in her direction. I wasn’t sure what her problem with me was, but I didn’t like her attitude.

Having had enough, I stood, even though my legs were still a little shaky. “Listen, I understand this is a very difficult time for us all, but there isn’t any reason why you are being so rude and creating a divide in our community. I didn’t ask for any of this. Not to be a Seer and have my life disrupted all of the time with traumatizing dreams, nor did I ask to be a Fae. I appreciate that magic chose me, but a little compassion could go a long way right now,” I roared out.