Page 15 of Curse of the Shadow

A man who looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties stood glaring at us while a woman who appeared ten years older than the man, smiled at us.

“Headmaster Patricia, we arrived as soon as we heard the news,” the woman said. She had fire red hair that was pulled back in a tight bun. Standing tall and strong in a black suit, she screamed power and no nonsense. She watched us closely with fierce eyes and her full lips pursed into a thin line.

Headmaster Patricia rushed over to greet them, shaking both of their hands as she welcomed them into the office.

“I am Detective Sparks,” the woman said, “and this is my partner, Detective Jameson,” she added, gesturing to the man beside her.

“We are sorry about your loss, but our agency has been working with other crimes that we believe are related to what occurred here last night,” Detective Jameson chimed in.

Nodding, Headmaster Patricia smiled around the cramped office and the detectives seemed to both look at me with pity in their eyes. I hated that look more than anything. It made me feel weak and helpless and I was not those things anymore.

“This is Farrah. She is the student who learned at the Unveiling Ceremony last semester that she is a Seer and a Fae,” the Headmaster proudly stated as she introduced me.

“Yes, she is also the girl who fought the Dark Magic Witch, used her Seer powers to find where the kidnapped students were being held, and braved the Cursed Forest,” Anson shot out.

“Well, that is a strong resumé you have built for yourself. Let’s hope those powers will help you in this new journey,” Detective Jameson stated.

“Journey? I don’t really think this is a journey when your life's in jeopardy,” I stated flatly.

Everyone looked at me, but no one dared to argue against what I had just said.

“Let’s talk about why we are here,” Detective Sparks jumped in. “We need to review the evidence from the crime scene and compare it to our other scenes,” she said, opening a binder I just now realized she held close to her chest.

“Other crime scenes?” I asked.

“I think we need to all sit down and talk about this. The conference room is available,” Headmaster Patricia stated, her eyes casting over mine.

Gulping, I stood up and tried to appear brave. My hand was still in Anson’s. Taking in a deep breath, I prepared myself for lay next.


We walked down the long hallway in complete silence.

The temptation to try and talk or break the strange quiet slithered over me like a serpent. Each time I opened my mouth, I would clamp it shut and look at Anson.

When we finally arrived at our destination, I realized that we were in a wing of the academy that I had never been to before. Gray and tan stones lined the walls, and the air was cooler, with a musky odor. We had traveled down several flights of stairs that only had torches hanging from the walls to light our way.

Headmaster Patricia opened the door to the room, and we all walked inside. As I glanced around, I noticed a large table set in the center of the room with twelve leather chairs around it. To my right, I saw a wall filled with television screens that showcased different rooms and halls of the academy. Clearly, they were security cameras. To my left, I saw book shelves lined with dusty old books. Moving to the table, I noticed there were pictures and other items scattered atop the sleek wood.

“What is all of this?” Anson asked, as his fingers traced over a picture of me.

“Please sit down, we will go over everything,” Detective Sparks ordered.

As I went to sit down, Luke, Jax, and Professor Alken walked into the room. They sat across from me like they had been summoned here.

“Why are they here?” I asked, trying not to sound too rude.

Smirking, Luke leaned across the table. “Nice to formally meet you, Farrah. I’m Luke, which I know you are now aware of who I am. I am a Grigori or as some people call me, a Watcher which means, I see everything. I’m sort of a big deal as I derive from an elite group of angels that are sent to Earth to protect humans or other Supernaturals who use their magic for good.” He paused and stood tall, watching me to ensure I was locked solely on him. His body seemed to blur with a golden haze glowing all around him. A ripping sound had my eyes scanning behind him as a large pair of white wings sprouted out from his back. I had seen a lot of things at this academy, but I hadn’t seen anything like that before. Smirking, he seemed pleased with my reaction to his transition. As he continued, I watched him with wide eyes. “I’ve been keeping my eye out and your Headmaster asked me to be part of this meeting. We go to another Supernatural Academy much like this, but for students more like us,” he said, his voice ominous and dark.

“What does that mean?” I questioned.

Extending his hand, Jax shook my hand and his grip was so tight and strong, I worried he may break my hand right off. My question was forgotten as Jax took this moment to jump in. “Obviously, I’m Jax. I am a Reaper. Since you are still new to this world, I help collect the dead and bring death to those who I have been sent for. I arrived after the murder here and have been working with the team to uncover why there have been more Supernatural deaths than normal.” He stopped as Luke pointed at him, sort of reminding him of something. Taking the hint, Jax stood tall as his body was shrouded in a black fog. His eyes took on an ominous black glow and his skin seemed to pale. He was clearly showing me his Reaper form, and I had to admit, it was pretty scary to see in person. Nodding at Luke, he continued on with his explanation. “You really should read more about the world in which you come from. Students like us,” he added, waving his hand around to Violet and Luke, “are unlike other Supernaturals. Shifters, Fae, Witches, and others can learn together, because they don’t have powers that could kill if not contained. For Vampires, Seraphims, Reapers, and others like us, we have to attend schools with protectors who help us learn and control our powers. I mean, if a Vampire got thirsty in a school like this…”

“I think that is enough,” Headmaster Patricia warned.

Cringing, I sat back in my chair like that could help me get away from him. I wasn’t sure how to act in front of an actual Reaper.

“And, you know me, the Seraphim,” Violet said sarcastically, ignoring the Headmaster’s warning. “I am one of the highest forms of angels in Supernatural existence. I am in charge of our group that was brought here to aid the academy against those that wish it harm,” Violet finished. She didn’t need anyone to remind her to shift into her form. Without warning, gold wings sprouted from behind her back. They were outlined in black and seemed to have a fire glow about them. She was majestic and regal looking and I couldn’t stop staring.